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Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

Key Bindings

Hi all,

I have been using xmms2 for a couple of days, and as a Fluxbox user, I have set some keybindings for listening to music. This is what I added to my ~/.fluxbox/keys

 Mod4 97 :ExecCommand xmms2 toggleplay  Mod4 99 :ExecCommand xmms2 prev  Mod4 105 :ExecCommand xmms2 next  Mod4 103 :ExecCommand xmms2 stop

I use Win+PgUp , Win+PgDn , Win+Home , Win+End for controlling xmms2. Really simple.

Also, I added the following to my ~/fluxbox/startup:

 [...]  xmms2-launcher &  wmxmms2 &  [...]  exec /usr/bin/fluxbox -log "~/.fluxbox/log"

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