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Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

There was no information on how to build this in the git snapshot 02.03.06

qmake-qt4; make

You need latest -devel, and possibly latest -tru. Build dependencies are qt4 and libsigc++2 headers. the first line of promoe was written feb 12:th so it's still in early development, but it's progressing fast and is already very nice imho.

As of 2012-01-13 waf only works with Python2. When building on a distro that has Python3 as the default version (e.g. Arch) the build will fail due to missing includes. Running "python2 ./waf configure && python2 ./waf build" will work. -- Malvineous 14:51, 12 January 2012 (UTC)

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