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Collaborative Playlist Management

Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

The Problem

XMMS2 currently supports multiple simultaneous clients. Therefore, people will try to modify the playlist concurrently.

Imagine a couple of dormmates creating a playlist for a party, or modifying the playlist during the party. One person removes a range of playlist positions while the other removes a separate or overlapping range of playlist positions. Currently, playlist positions are (surprise!) referred to by position within the playlist. This means that one range of playlist positions would be removed, the playlist would be recalculated, and the second range of playlist positions would be removed. The problem is that the second range of playlist positions, are not at their original positions any longer! Similar scenarios can be constructed with different combinations of remove and move operations.

It may not sound like this situation is likely to occur, and for most people it will never occur. However, it really just depends on your patterns of use. When it does occur it will make you curse, and if it occurs twice or more in the same week then you will probably switch players.

Potential Solution 1

Require clients to obtain a lock at the server, perform an operation, push the new playlist to the clients, and release the lock.

This solution is very error prone, and has the potential to require a server restart if the client dies before releasing the lock.

This is what most people would call transactions, taking the lock would be called "begin" and releasing it would be called "commit".

Potential Solution 2

Extend the playlist code to manage clients' playlist views.

There will be a Master Playlist that contains a reference counted set of playlist items that are contained in any client playlist view. Each client Playlist View contains a set of indices into the Master Playlist. It may sound like there is a separate playlist for each client, but that is not what is intended (i'm getting to it). Here is an example using the scenario outlined above:

Client 1 Playlist View (in sync)

1) Rock Song 1 2) Rock Song 2 3) Rap Song  1 4) Rap Song  3 5) Jazz Song 1

Client 2 Playlist View (out of sync)

1) Rock Song 1 2) Rock Song 2 3) Rap Song  1 4) Rap Song  2 5) Jazz Song 1 6) Jazz Song 2 7) Rap Song  3

Master Playlist

Rock Song 1 - refcount 2 Rock Song 2 - refcount 2 Rap Song  1 - refcount 2 Rap Song  2 - refcount 1 - marked for removal Jazz Song 1 - refcount 2 Jazz Song 2 - refcount 1 - marked for removal Rap Song  3 - refcount 2

In this case, Client 1 has removed two playlist positions from the playlist (Rap Song 2 and Jazz Song 2). Client 2 was sent a playlist changed notification, but has not executed a "list" yet. It is still possible for Client 2 to attempt to remove any of the playlist positions in her view. If Client 2 attempts to remove a playlist position that has already been removed (Rap Song 2 or Jazz Song 2), then the reference count will be decremented for the appropriate playlist items and removed from the Master Playlist if the reference count reaches zero. If she attempts to remove a different playlist position, then the reference count will be decremented, and the playlist item will be marked for removal. No matter what Client 2 does, the playlist positions that Client 1 removed will vanish from Client 2's Playlist View the next time she calls "list". This happens because all playlist items that are marked for removal and appear in Client 2's Playlist View will have their Master Playlist reference counts decremented and removed from her view.

Each playlist item in the Master Playlist must have a unique identifier that is separate from its medialib id because the same medialib item can appear multiple times on the same playlist. Clients and client Playlist Views must refer to each song item by this unique identifer. This is necessary to prevent clients from stepping on each other's toes.

Context Sensitive Moves

This solution also allows for context sensitive moves. Using the above example, imagine that Client 2 attempted to move "Rap Song 3" to just-after "Rap Song 2" before doing a "list". "Rap Song 2" has been removed from the Master Playlist, and we could just insert "Rap Song 3" at the numerical position that it was moved to. However, this is probably not what Client 2 was intending. Most likely, Client 2 intended for rap songs to be grouped together. Fortunately, we still have Client 2's Playlist View. We can do a reverse search to find the first file that has not been marked for removal and insert "Rap Song 3" just after it. In this case, we would insert "Rap Song 3" just after "Rap Song 1". If all files have been marked for removal, then "Rap Song 3" would be inserted at the head of the list.

Implementation Details

I'm expecting the Master Playlist to be an unordered list (most likely a hash table). Each item will carry a playlist_view_pos attribute. Moves will not adjust the playlist_view_pos attribute because one client would be modifying the data pointed to by another client's Playlist View. Instead, a move will append a new entry to the Master Playlist, the item's reference count will be decremented, and the item will be marked for deletion.

There are a lot of little optimizations that can be performed to make an unordered list a viable option.

A Final Word

This really isn't that big of an issue, but since XMMS2 claims to have the capability for multiple simultaneous clients, it may become one. The goal of this solution is to keep all the clients' playlists in sync as unobtrusively as possible. I can't think of a better solution, but I'm open to any ideas anyone else may have.

Teh fng 08:10, 30 August 2006 (CEST)

Solution 3

This solution was proposed by a friend of mine as an alternative to Solution 2.

(01:57:27) friend: i think I have a better algorithm for your playlist problem (01:58:09) friend: it avoids the ref counting, and complete duplication of client state (01:58:39) JLube A: what is it? (01:58:44) friend: so it's O(unacked changes), not O(num clients) (01:58:56) JLube A: ok (01:59:40) friend: basically you make move completely dependent on the item before...e.g moveAfter(InstanceID previous, InstanceID file) (01:59:50) friend: now here's the trick (02:00:05) friend: for each client you only maintain a list of unsynced deletes (02:00:37) friend: each unsynced delete has a 2-tuple...deletedIID, prevIID (02:00:54) JLube A: and you can walk the chain (02:01:01) friend: exactly :-) (02:02:01) friend: it seems to be the same effect? Teh fng 09:08, 30 August 2006 (CEST)

Solution 4

Ignore it. :)

Solution 5

A more rubust variant of 4: Fail when a client tried to change playlist without first having an updated version.

Just attach a version to the playlist. When a client list the playlist or get a playlist_changed broadcast it will also get a version number. When it tries to do some playlist manipulation it must also specify this version number, and if it doesn't match refuse the update.

See Also


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