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Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

There are a number of client programs currently being developed for use with XMMS2. Some of them are very simple and perform only a handful of functions, while others are more fully featured.

If you are a new XMMS2 client developer, you're welcome to add your client to this list and drop by our IRC channel to let us know what you're doing, so we may work closely together. See also:

Note: While most other players give you an 'all-in-one' experience, when it comes to XMMS2 it can be worthwile to have several different clients running at once. Features like desktop integration, on-screen displays, etc. are mostly done in several clients written esp. for this task. Just have a look around!

Main Clients

Graphical Clients

Actually, there are dozens of clients available which try to fit best into this purpose. Here are some recommendations, also based on activity of development and therefor availability:

Esperanza (QT4)

Esperanza has a simple interface with a single playlist and let you search the media lib or add files from other sources easily. It also presents album art.

gxmms2 (GTK)

gxmms2 presents itself with a small main window, but all basic functionality for playing, including a playlist editor.

Abraca (GTK)

Abraca is designed with collections in mind.

Blastwave (GTK)

Blastwave in its current state features basic XMMS2 control: playlist managing, playback queues (experimental), playback control, MediaLib queries as well as a usable GTK2 interface with tray icon support.

LXMusic (GTK)

LXMusic is a minimalist xmms2 music player developed with GTK+ in pure C language. It features a very simple, clean, lightweight, and intuitive user interface. The UI looks quite similar to that provide by another famous music player under Windows named foobar 2000. Only the most basic functionality provided by xmms2 is supported, but it's already enough for many general users. LXMusic is currently under development, and will be part of the famous lightweight desktop environment - LXDE.

Ario (GTK)

Ario is a GTK2 client for MPD. The interface used to browse the library is inspired by Rhythmbox but Ario aims to be much lighter and faster. Since version 1.2. it has experimental support of XMMS2.


You can find lots of other players in the Client matrix. Here are some (not all) other players, which are just good-fitting, or special in some ways:

  • eq lets you play with the equalizer if your player doesn't handle it
  • Euphoria uses the Enlightenment Foundation Libraries
  • juxtapose is a very simple player which "just works"
  • Shellac has a very customizable GUI
  • Sonus is a GUI client that works with xmms2-devel
  • radiobar is a GUI buttonbar client for radio use
  • Promoe is a Qt4 based Winamp/Xmms clone
  • Etude is a GTK client with a collection editor

Web Clients

  • shelfelf quite complex webapp designed for tablets (like the iPad)
  • TurboX2 is a player accessible via your web browser
  • XMMS2 Webterface is a dead simple, configurable, themable web interface
  • XMMS2SWI Simple web interface, small and works well with ALL browsers!
  • xmms2-web Simple web 1.0 interface usable with text browsers. It supports directory browsing and multiple playlists.

Console Clients

  • XMMS2 CLI client is the standard console application coming with XMMS2
  • gntxmms2 provides a windowed console interface using libgnt
  • ccx2 is a simple and customizable console client.
  • Cluck is a TUI (windowed console) client with very light requirements: a recent xmms2d, pcre, curses, and optionally a few helper applications
  • kuechenstation is a text mode client with scrolling title, playlist and medialib query
  • bnxc is a minimalistic ncurses client with a focus on browsing through music
  • nymp is a graphical cli client providing a tree view on your collection.
  • xmms2hotkey allows hotkey control in the Linux console via the keyboard, mouse or other evdev input device

Desktop Integration


  • gx2osd shows playing information as an On-Screen Display
  • xmms2-osd shows playing information as an On-Screen Display, intended to be used with beryl and the like.
  • snett provides a small icon with popup-menu
  • xmms2_jump lets you quickly search your current playlist
  • notify-xmms2 displays track information using desktop's notification system





  • Wmxmms2 is a dock-app for WindowMaker (or others, like Fluxbox)
  • LXMusic is a very simple player inside the LXDE environment
  • bbxmms2menu is a blackbox menu with the basic controls
  • bbkeysxmms2 a list of suggested shortcut keys for bbkeys
  • Fluxbox keys a simple list of shortcut keys for ~/.fluxbox/keys, and a way to run xmms2 at startup
  • dxmms2 shell script that allows you to browse playlist and medialib using dmenu menubar
  • xmmsfs allows you to browse your medialib in a fuse file system

Integration Into Other Applications


X-Chat / IRSSI

  • X-Chat: EkoXMMS2 lets you control XMMS2 within the application
  • irssi: Both ixmms2 and xmms2Plugin provide information and control within irssi
  • X-Chat: xmms2-xchat xmms2-xchat plugin will show current playing information on X-Chat




  • GIMME is an XMMS2 client for GNU Emacs with extra features.
  • lagn is an XMMS2 client for GNU Emacs.


  • XMMS2-skype is a simple bash-python script to show current playing XMMS2 tune in skype mood

Special Input Methods


  • lxmms2 lets you control XMMS2 with an infrared remote control using LIRC
  • xmms2hotkey provides global hotkeys which can work independently of Xorg session (even if you are in a game or in the console). Buttons on any Xorg or evdev device can be used (keyboard, mouse, joystick, etc.)

Mobile Phones

  • Harald uses JavaME and Bluetooth to be your music player on the phone
  • Remuco is a system to remotely control XMMS2 (and other music player) with mobile devices supporting Bluetooth and JavaME.
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