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GSoC:2007 Visualization Details

Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

Note: The following paragraphs describe the technical planning at the initial state of the project, copied from the SoC application itself. It is not guaranteed that this page will always reflect the actual state.

First I would like to give an overview over today's target applications:

  • the classical visualization approach, mostly fullscreen with lots effects
  • builtin visualization in typical controlling clients
  • gadget like visualization, included in panels, on the desktop, etc.

In my opinion, the first one is indeed the less-used or important. Fullscreen visualization is mainly used at certain events, like parties, and is not part of the regular, daily usage pattern. The second type though was a real characteristic visual feature of Winamp, which heralded the era of software music players. Users are familiar to this and often tend to miss it on nowadays players. So it should be a goal to encourage client developers to include some fancy, still unintrusive visualization into their players, helping users to feel familiar with XMMS2 from the start on; Euphoria had this already. The third one is something like an ongoing trend we shouldn't miss. As sidebars like gkrellm are present for ages, today even major OSes like OS X or Windows Vista implement similiar functionality. Users like to have monitors on their desk (for example, in the gnome panels, etc.) and a visualization monitor can be a very appealing one. Up till now I only know one kind of these, though (my own creation, because typically it is rather tricky to have a media player's plugin be plugin of something else, too - but it's dead simple with XMMS2.

The last two kinds of visualization applications have several different characteristics than fullscreen visualization. This one just wants the whole frequency band, perhaps with some cut-off, to fill the screen, or use an oscilloscope-alike view of the data. The other ones, though, have a for more minimal approach, for example only showing a volume bar per channel or a dozen of bands, with a rather large cut-off of high frequences.

An interesting note on the first one is also that today's media setups often include some media server playing the music, where visualization has to be done over network, if at all, which at present no major media player seem to support, too.

With this consideration background in mind, this is the proposed scheme for a typical vis client-server interaction:

  • The client tries to setup an alternative connection to the server than the regular IPC messages which fits the purpose of delivering chunks of actual visualization data more: shared memory, if possible, or UDP, if not.
    • In practice, the client can decide on the IPC connection - if it's a socket file, it can be used as SHM key. If not, UDP is needed; the client listens on a random, propagated UDP port for packets from the server.
  • The whole control flow stays in the reliable IPC channel; although, within normal operation, no control messages should be needed, ie there should be no IPC communication involved in the data delivery at all!
  • The client requests its needed data format from the server; some pro's and con's of this can be found on the Wiki page[8]; the client can adjust several parameter of the data, which should fit 99% of all clients, esp. the ones from the first presented kind of application. But particularly the other kinds should be able to decrease the amount of transmitted data a lot, if applicable.
    • One part of the configuration is the frames per second, or sample rate, respectively. The client therefore can basically delegate it's update frequency to the server, who doesn't provide data more often than needed. Using UDP, this should especially be adjusted according to the flow (the client can count thrown-away packages as a shifting bitlist): Tf too many UDP packets per second are sent, the network and target host are basically flooded and this leads to laggy behaviour.
  • The server itself processes the data according to the request; therefore, every client also gets its own dataset. This is reasonable, as multiple visualization clients are rather unusual (but occur, if for example some builtin visualization is supplemented with one of the first kind, started additionally by the user; so support for this is a must-have) and therefore the cost of having seperate datasets (and computations) is rather low, compared to the unnecessary large dataset (and therefore UDP packetsizes) which would have to be provided for an unified shared memory.
  • Visualization output basically has to happen at the end of the xforms chain, just before the single output plugin. it is negoitable though, to outsource the data processing (ie FFT, etc) to seperate effect xforms between the normal chain and the vis output; perhaps that would be a more powerful design. Because the server wants to send with a fixed FPS count, it could be reasonable to have a seperate thread for (part of) the visualization task, but not a neccessity at all.
  • Basically, the client can rely on a simple "draw on incoming data" technique. As the client tells the server the preferred samplerate beforehand, timing controls can be given to the server, just waiting for data to flow in and acting on it. Server and client stay "in sync", and no data is redundantly processed or drawn.
    • Using SHM, this can be reduced to a simple accompaning semaphore, which is elevated by the server after new data in the shm is present; the client can blocking-wait on that event. Using UDP, this would be the incoming UDP package the client waits for.
    • The server should not wait (and block) for the client to collect the data at all (while this would be possible using threading). There is a rather easy way to do this, even with SHM. The client has to decrease/elevate another semaphore itself before/after reading the data, but the server doesn't have to wait on it, but rather would poll on it at every frame to be delivered (notice that this is no busy wait, the server just drops frames). To further smooth the situation, two alternating memory spaces could be used for every new frame. This could make clients possible, which don't "fetch" the data at all, but work directly on it. While they do so, the server can already fill the second frame; as they requested the rate themselves, it should be uncommon that they lag two frames behind; (Problem: output delay on the server, see below).
    • Using UDP, the main result of a lagging or slow client are UDP packages which have to be thrown away by the client to avoid continuous lagging (you wouldn't believe how many incoming UDP packages the OS buffers while the socket is not read by the application!); for this, the server and client need to shake out some time synchronization (see later).
  • SHM/UDP packets can hold information about how far the given dataset lies in the future, ie how long any remaining buffer delay is. If this is any significant amount (> 20ms), the client could usleep() for that time, for example measuring actual time, then doing all the drawing on a shadow buffer, sleep for the remaining time and then swap buffers. I think it's not a good idea to hold back data on the server, if the output delay would make waiting necessary, just because the earlier the data is available, esp. if using the network, the better. If the delay between visualization delivery and output really gets bigger than the window between two frames, more sophisticated solutions are necessary:
    • Using SHM, a ringbuffer comes into mind (a generalization of the alternating frames; the bigger the ringbuffer, the lesser frames have to be dropped on high output delay), while using UDP, the client should collect new packets only on demand (the control flow is unaffected of this!) and therefore delegate the intermediate buffering to the operating system.
  • For the client, if delay information has to be evaluated, being in sync with the server timewise is important. Using SHM, this is given by design. Using UDP, this is not given at all, but also, using UDP, it is important anyway to determine wether a package got too old, (regardless of an included delay)! This makes it necessary to synchronize the ticks values at the beginning of the communication, using simple intern pinging and heuristics (using the time a packet needs to get from server to client and back, which at the way back includes the ticks value of the server on send and of the client on recieve, the real offset could be approximated). It should be noted that differences under 10 or 20 ms shouldn't really be of any importance to the viewer.
  • A typical package (or SHM block) should therefore contain:
  1. the time in ticks when the data should be "heard" (the time the data was obtained + the estimated delay for output)
  2. a temporary format code, so the client can request format changes and then identify the first time the new format is delivered
  3. the visualization data itself in the configured format; A packet with a timestamp lesser than the actual time + reasonable offset should therefore be discarded and results in a lost frame
  • This mechanism should be transparent to the client developer, ie there should be no reason for him to know whether the communication is running over SHM or UDP. The client developer should just configure the data format and request the start (or stop) of delivery via libxmmsclient.
    • Then, he can loop over a (blocking, as it decreases the semaphore) "get new data" function, which returns the timestamp and a pointer to the data to be directly read and processed. If double buffering is necessary with SHM, it should be done transparently, too. In subsequent runs, the "get new data" function elevates the client mutex, if no double buffering is done.
    • For some use-cases though, this mechanism has to be evaluated and perhaps other methods are necessary.
    • (Note about semaphores: The server raises semaphore 1 ("new data available") after every write, while the client blocky decreases it on read. The client raises semaphore 2 ("waiting for new data") after every read, while the server (skippy) decreases it on write. We need two semaphores here, as they provide additional information, not only doing access control.)

This design, as shown, is really damn easy for the client developer. He doesn't have to care about FFT, or even about threading. Still, the full power is on his side, having access to raw PCM data if needed.

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