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Talk:Bash tab completion for the CLI

Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

I changed the IFS for mlib playlist operations and mlib search|searchadd to newline to get rid of the ^J which was showing up in the bash completions. I also changed mlib search|searchadd to use quotes around the search string so that spaces wouldn't break the completions.

so you'd do this:

$ xmms2 mlib search artist="The 
The Doors
The Pogues
$ xmms2 mlib search artist="The Pogues"

Benj 04:41, 2 May 2006 (CEST)

Good work :). I was wondering how to fix the file-with-spaces problem... Do you have any idea how to get list valid IDs for jump, move and remove commands ? This should be easy to fix. Crazy 19:29, 10 May 2006 (CEST)

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