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News Archive

Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

Older news items.

Summer of Code news

I have added a News section on the Summer of Code 2006 page. If you're a student interested in contributing to XMMS2 for SoC 2006, please check the page regularly for updates!

p.s. Please note that our mailing list is currently down. If you need to contact us, do so on IRC: #xmms2 on Freenode, or e-mail

XMMS2's Summer of Code

G'day folks. With Google's Summer of Code returning this year, the XMMS2 team submitted a proposal to be a 'mentoring organisation'. Unfortunately, our proposal didn't make it through, but the proposed ideas are still here! If you're interested in some summer codin' fun (or winter codin' fun, for those of us in the other hemisphere), check out XMMS2's very own Summer of Code 2006 ideas. ;)

Scratch that. Turns out we made it in after all! If you're a student, you might want to take a look at our Summer of Code 2006 ideas page and consider sending in your application. ;)

Cute and cuddly

Holy handgranates! It's release time again! Much earlier than expected and much cooler than the critics claim! XMMS2 Team announces Dr. Doolittle. This release is forged by the wormholes of Stargate, Swedish schlager music, Chilean beaches and a lament for a loved one. DrDoolittle is a minor-feature-addition and bug-fix release instead of the expected major-break-the-world release. We decided that enough critical fixes and small features were available to make a release. You can watch the new Roadmap in order to see what's going on with future releases.

Note that some of the API calls have been changed in this release (details in full release notes) and clients need to be upgraded. The API breaking will (hopefully) stop when Dr. releases end.

XMMS2 Team would like to thank everyone involved in this release, your efforts are appreciated as always.

So how's that coma going for ya there?

Good news everyone. New release from the XMMS2 Team. DrCox is a bugfix / regression release which focuses on stability and some smaller feature enhancements. All users are recommended to upgrade to DrCox. The XMMS2 community is still growing with new users and contributors, just like any opensource project your involvement is necessary to bring the project forward. Please join us on IRC or our Maillist to participate.

Source is available for download from sourceforge.

A heartwarm thanks goes out to all contributors, hang-arounds and fans.

Next release is DrDoolittle which (despite the name) probably going to include some big changes.

The tiger took my family

Friday 13th is a good day for a release. XMMS2 0.2 DrBombay has just been released! It is a bugfix release for DrAlban, and fixes a few annoyances. Source is available for download from sourceforge. Debian packages will be available in a few days as usual.

Hello XMMS2, tell me how you're doing!

Good news everyone! XMMS2 0.2 DrAlban was just released! Long overdue and not really following our release often, release early scheme. To make up for this we have tons of features. Please visit the release page to get more information. Source is available at sourceforce as usual. Debian packages will be available in a few days as usual.

Configuration file format changes

The configuration file format for xmms2d (xmms2.conf) was changed recently. However xmms2d will not automatically preserve your configuration settings - instead, it will revert to default settings and subsequently overwrite the configuration file. If you want to preserve your settings, try this command:

sed -e "s/value/property/g" xmms2.conf>tmp;mv tmp xmms2.conf;

and add a 'version' attribute to the root tag:

GFX artist needed!

XMMS2 project seeks a GFX / Web graphic artist. We need to lay down a graphic profile for everything XMMS2 related. Are you interested? Please contact us!

Not dead yet.

We are not dead, the Developer Release 3 is still being worked on. There are quite a few important fixes in anders' tree that will soon end up in -devel and then we'll hopefully make a push to get DR3 out of the door. Keep the patches and feedback coming!

Developer Release 2.2

More good news everyone! The XMMS2 Team is releasing another bugfix release of the current Developer Release (DR2) called DR2.2.

Some outstanding issues have forced us to release another maintenance release in the DR2 series instead of making a DR3 release, including the fixing of a couple of huge memory leaks. Another annoying bug is that XMMS2 doesn't work at all with newer SQLite (3.2.5 and higher) releases because of a policy change; we were misusing the API and they made such usage fail with a hard error. This has not been fixed in this maintenance release since it is a major change to our internal API. It will be fixed in the upcoming DR3 release.

Source is available at sourceforge as usual.

XMMS2: it might not be able to prevent natural disasters or government fuckups, but it will play your music awesomely! (and makes your mom rock)

Now have a nice day!

Wiki issues

There have been a few changes to the wiki backend and things might still be a bit shaky.. You might encounter this particular scenario:

Clicking on a link to a wiki page (say, page B) from another wiki page (say, page A) might lead you to a URL like\_B and result in a 404 Page not found error. The '/wiki' bit in the URL is erroneous.

To fix this, go back to page A, append '?action=purge' (without quotes) to the URL (i.e.\_A?action=purge) and press Enter (or click 'Go' or whatever, to load the URL). This will cause the wiki to purge cached links and re-generate them. This only has to be done once for any broken page, so subsequent users won't have to worry about this.

If you still have any other problems with the wiki (or other XMMS2 pages), please drop by #xmms2 on and let us know.

Thanks for your patience.

Developer Release 2.1

Good news everyone! The XMMS2 Team is releasing a bugfix release of the current Developer Release (DR2) called DR2.1. This corrects some annoyances found by the community, the most prominent of those being an ID3v2.3 parsing error.

This release is compatible with DR2 and will not break the plugin API, medialib or client communication (we think).

Source is available at sourceforge as usual.

Now have a nice day!

Developer Release 2

Hello intrawebb. The XMMS2 Team is happy to announce the release of XMMS2 Developer Release 2. Delayed for a couple of weeks due to summer, beer, (plastic) women and other real life nonsense, we release a feature-packed second version of XMMS2. This release is the direct result of feedback from DR1 on both APIs, functionality and behaviour. We would like to thank everyone who provided us with feedback, patches and encouragement.

To review the ChangeLog please check the Release Page and to download source code please surf to the Download page.

XMMS2 and the Snake

Hello all. We are soon going to release DR2. In the mean time you can checkout the slides from my presentation I held at EuroPython about XMMS2. We are also starting to hammer out the offical client. Here is a teaser.


Hot on the heels of DR1.1, the XMMS2 article on is now available to non-subscribers: :)

DR1.1 Released

We are happy to announce that DR1.1 has been released! This adresses over 20 issues in the first release. Look at the release page to see the changes. The team will now focus on DR2, with new, exciting features.

DR1 Aftermath

Since the release of DR1 the team has been focused on fixing bugs found by the community. We are planing on releasing DR1.1 real soon. Do you have any outstanding issues with XMMS2? Please report them!

We have also started to think about DR2. Add your feature requests to the bug-reporting page and maybe we will include them in DR2.

In other news we note that XMMS2 DR1 appered in LWN (

Developer Release 1

After over two years of development, the XMMS Team releases the first preview of the next generation XMMS. XMMS2 is a complete rewrite of the XMMS codebase and has been focusing on portability, code separation and stability. An advanced feature of XMMS2 is that the music player process runs separately from the user interface in a client/server model. This simplifies the process of creating alternate user interfaces and allow interface developers to concentrate on designing the interface for their special need and not having to care about the music playing part.

XMMS2 has now reached Developer Release 1! The target audience for this release is developers, the player is NOT yet ready for public consumption or for replacing XMMS1, RythmBox, AmaroK or MPD. This simply means that the codebase is very nice and developers are encouraged to help creating plugins and clients that will make XMMS2 the de facto standard for music playing, like XMMS1 has been for almost a decade. At this point there are no mature and stable GUI clients, but this preview is released in the hope that the development of interfaces will accelerate.

We are also happy to include a music clip donated by industrial act Dismantled ( in the distrbution.

Download at

XMMS2 <3 Dismantled

Still closing on DR1 and we have wonderful news to tell you. Dismantled offered a clip to use as intro song in XMMS2, this will ship with all XMMS2 sources and is a very nice clip of a great song. Thanks a lot Gary.

Getting close to DR1

So finally we are cleaning up for a Developer Release. This will be exciting, all the team is confident that the current codebase is really neat. Keep an eye out as the Developer Release 1 todo list items get taken care of. :)

Big changes

Good news, after a month of almost no code committed to the XMMS2 trees there are now a lot of big updates in the main tree. Anders finally merged his sample_t changes and I got around to change the xmms_ipc_msg_t struct. Next big thing is the playlist update that should be comming soon. There will soon be a wrap-up meeting about the first DR release. Stay tuned.

Logo proposals

Considering the recent trickle of new logo proposals, I've made a Logo page to keep track of it all. Got any cooler designs? Send it in! ;)

Wiki got a facelift

I've finished giving the wiki a bit of an overhaul, with gratuitous use of templates to implement all kinds of funky things like:

  • This news section
  • a new navigation bar
  • a components status table
  • a release status box

Other alterations include categorisation of most pages, and a re-organisation of page navigation. Enjoy. :P

News page added!

The XMMS2 wiki now has a news page!

The news templates are simply adapted from the Beep Media Player news page.

Clone this wiki locally