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Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

If you...


are just browsing..

  • check out the README and About pages to see what this is all about.
  • the Features page lists some of the features you can expect from XMMS2.
  • and you're a bit technically inclined, you might find Design of XMMS2 interesting.
  • and want to talk to us, you can find our contact details on the About page.
  • you might be interested in the history of the project.
  • and are wondering about MPD and GStreamer, you might want to check out XMMS2 vs MPD and XMMS2 vs GStreamer.

want to use XMMS2..

are currently using XMMS2..

  • and found a problem, maybe you'd like to check if the FAQ covers it, or else report it.

want to contribute something to the project..

  • check out the Developer Corner for information about technical details, guidelines for working with XMMS2 code and various development ideas.
  • if you're developing a client, maybe you'd like to add it to the clients page. You can also discover and add bits of wisdom to Writing XMMS2 Clients.
  • If on the other hand you feel like there's already enough half-baked clients out there, why not look at the Clientlist and see what projects could use some contributions or a new maintainer.
  • if you want to develop a plugin, you should familiarise yourself with the Design of XMMS2.
  • if you want to submit code that fixes a problem, or adds a feature, you should read up on our guidelines for working with XMMS2 code.
  • if you want to contribute to this wiki, check out the to-do list and guidelines for the wiki, or just edit what you can. Please note that this wiki does not allow anonymous edits, as we'd like to know who is changing what, and when, so please register and log in.
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