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Erik Massop edited this page Nov 4, 2017 · 1 revision

lasse.hojgaard[AT] : Haven't tried it yet, but it looks very sexy!

jameshumphreysbe (dcs3jah): It is very sexy. It's really easy to install on Ubuntu (it's got a repository), and looks a lot like Rhythmbox. Simple, well organised interface with CD-burning ability (haven't tried that yet)

Two improvements that I'd suggest though are:

  • Stop it freezing when album cover and music info come up when starting a track. Needs multi-threading?
  • Organise music using library as it is now, but also add a tab that allows browsing by directory. I spent ages sorting my music by directory, and now it's useless...

Other than that, it's great.

 Looks great, but did you drop this project?  I have tried all the sites I can to dl this and all of the links are broken.

Jameshumphreysbe: I downloaded Listen just over a week ago I think, then the website went down ("Under construction" is all it says). I doubt the project has died - I reckon the page is just being revamped.

jameshumphreysbe: I got in contact with the developer and development of Listen for XMMS2 has been discontinued, and I believe it is being switched to Gstreamer (with its own media backend). First release might be January or February. Apparently, there are features available in Gstreamer which aren't available in XMMS2 yet (daap, ipod, musicbrainz).

Shame, I really liked it.

Add to your sources.list (DEBIAN) to download it:

deb /

after: sudo apt-get install listen

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