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What do I need for MMU development

jsprenger edited this page Jul 2, 2021 · 1 revision

If you want to develop MMUs, you need to prepare your system with a few tools and components. In general, you require the following three components

  1. Existing MMI Environment: The MMI Environment is required to execute the MMU and integrate it into the framework. For an easy setup, please consider using the precompiled environment
  2. Target Engine (Unity): A target engine is required to trigger the execution and visualize the result. You can find an example Unity target engine project in the Github Demo Repository and more information the documentation
  3. MMU Development Tools: Depending on the programming language you are using, different tools are provided, which help for MMU Development.

If you get started with the MOSIM Framework, we do recommend starting with the Unity Demo repository. Here, we provide several example scenes, e.g. the SingleMMUs Scene located in Assets/MMI/Scenes/SingleMMUs, which is perfectly suited for MMU development and testing.

In order to invoke an MMU, a MInstruction must be created inside the target engine and sent to the co-simulator. The co-simulator will activate and interact with the MMU depending on the instructions. For example, we can create an instruction to wave at a goal object with the following code inside of a Avatar Behavior Component.

MInstruction idleInstruction = new MInstruction(MInstructionFactory.GenerateID(), "Idle", "Pose/Idle");

MInstruction waveObject = new MInstruction(MInstructionFactory.GenerateID(), "wave to", "Pose/Wave")
   Properties = PropertiesCreator.Create("TargetID", UnitySceneAccess.Instance["WaveObject"].ID),

this.CoSimulator.AssignInstruction(idleInstruction, new MSimulationState() { Initial = this.avatar.GetPosture(), Current = this.avatar.GetPosture() });
this.CoSimulator.AssignInstruction(waveObject, new MSimulationState() { Initial = this.avatar.GetPosture(), Current = this.avatar.GetPosture() });

For more information on how to use the MMI framework inside a Unity target engine, please consider reading the documentation on Integrating the MOSIM Framework to Unity.

MMU Development in Unity

For MMU development in Unity, we do recommend using the MMU Generator, which currently is provided in a stable release for Unity 2018.4.1.f1. To develop MMUs in Unity, you require an installation of Unity 2018.4.1.f1 and Visual Studio. If you want to utilize the MMU Generator in its released form, first create an empty 3D Project and integrate the MMU Generator. For more information on the MMU Generator, please consider its documentation.

In order to create more complex MMUs, you can use the Unity Animation Controller. For more information on how to use the animation controller, please consider reading our Introduction to Unity Animators.

Unity MMUs with a working animator have to be integrated to the MOSIM Framework. For more information about the integration, please check our documentation on MMUs in Unity.

MMU Development in native C#

  • MMICSharp.dll, MMIStandard.dll, MMIAdapter.dll
  • Visual Studio

MMU Development in native Python

  • Python environment with MMIStandard and MMIPython installed

MOSIM Documentation



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