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Janis Sprenger edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 1 revision

Release MMU


The ReleaseMMU is a basic MMU that models the transfer from a specific posture (e.g. after reaching) to the underlying neutral posture (idle).


Overall Data

Property Values
Name ReleaseMMU
Vendor Daimler Buses
Author Felix Gaisbauer
Short description MMU models walking behavior based on an animation tree inside Unity.
Long description MMU models walking behavior based on an animation tree inside Unity using the Mecanim animation system.
Programming Language C#
Development Tools Visual Studio 2017
Service dependencies IKService
MMU dependencies (Motion types) -
File dependencies ReleaseMMU.dll
Application dependencies requires .Net 4.5 or newer
Additional Libraries -
MotionType Object/Release
Events start,end
Basic MMU yes
License MIT


In the following an overview of the functionalities and parameters of the ReleaseMMU are provided.


Runtime Parameters

Name Type Required Description
Hand MGeometryConstraint(ID) yes The hand of the release motion.
Velocity float no The max velocity of the release motion.
Trajectory MPathConstraint(ID) no An optional trajectory that defines the hand path of the release motion,
AngularVelocity float no The max angular velocity of the release motion.
EndBlendDuration float no The duration of the blending that is performed after the ik reached the goal (smooth transition).
UseBlending bool no Specifies whether motion blending is used for modeling the release motion (by default false).

The ReleaseMMU requires the Hand parameter to be set. This parameter describes which hand should be released. Moreover, the MMU provides several optional parameters.

Scene Parameters

The ReleaseMMU does not require explicit scene parameters.


MInstruction releaseRight = new MInstruction(MInstructionFactory.GenerateID(), "release object", "Object/Release")
      Properties = PropertiesCreator.Create( "Hand", "Right", CoSimTopic.OnStart, carryID + ":" + CoSimAction.EndInstruction),

MInstruction releaseLeft = new MInstruction(MInstructionFactory.GenerateID(), "release object", "Object/Release")
      Properties = PropertiesCreator.Create("Hand", "Left", CoSimTopic.OnStart, carryID + ":" + CoSimAction.EndInstruction),

Known Issues

Technical Information

The ReleaseMMU transfers the avatar from a specific posture (e.g. after reaching a particular object) to a neutral posture defined by the current state (e.g. previous MMU). For establishing the new posture, either motion blending or inverse kinematics in conjunction with local motion planning is used.


Provided as basic MMU with MIT license.

MOSIM Documentation



Known Issues

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