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Janis Sprenger edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 1 revision


The following datatypes are representing mathematical structures used in linear algebra.


Representing an n-dimensional Vector.

+Values: list

Detailed description of available parameters/functions:

Parameter Name Required Description
Values yes List of values


Representing a three-dimensional vector in Cartesian space.

+X: double
+Y: double
+Z: double

Detailed description of available parameters:

Parameter Name Required Description
X x The Cartesian X coordinate (Right axis).
Y x The Cartesian Y coordinate (Forward axis).
Z x The Cartesian Z coordinate (Up axis).

Vector 2

Representing a two-dimensional vector in Cartesian space. Usually considered to be in right and forward direction, but this is no necessary requirement.

+X: double
+Y: double
+Z: double

Detailed description of available parameters/functions:

Parameter Name Required Description
X x The Cartesian X coordinate (Right axis).
Y x The Cartesian Y coordinate (Forward axis).


A data structure representing a Quaternion. It is used to describe rotational information in three-dimensional Cartesian space.

+X: double
+Y: double
+Z: double
+W: double

Detailed description of available parameters:

Parameter Name Required Description
X x The X component of the quaternion.
Y x The Y component of the quaternion.
Z x The Z component of the quaternion.
W x The W component of the quaternion.


The MTransform class is relevant for describing the absolute location and hierarchy of a specific object. The overall concept is strongly inspired by the Computer Graphics domain and is widely used in Gaming Engines such as Unity or Unreal. It is representing an affine transformation in cartesian space relative to a parent transform.

+ID: string
+Position: MVector3
+Rotation: MQuaternion
+Parent: string

Detailed description of available parameters:

Parameter Name Required Description
ID x The id of the transform (linked to the MSceneObject)
Position x The specified position (Cartesian) represented as MVector3 to simplify the usage.
Rotation x The specified rotation (Quaternion), represented as MQuaternion to simplify the usage.
Parent The id of the parent transform/object.

Coordinate System Definition


Detailed description of available parameters/functions:

Parameter Name Required Description

MOSIM Documentation



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