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Francois Vancoppenolle edited this page Feb 23, 2017 · 2 revisions

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If you want to highLight a piece of your chart when the piece is hovered by the mouse, use the options described in this chapter.

REMARK : this option is not working correctly in association with the add-ins "drillDown.js".

If you set the option “highLight” to true, the piece of chart hovered by the mouse will be highLighted.


Samples :


Description : When set to true, it highLight a piece of chart according a mouse action.

Chart types : All

Values : true or false

Default value : false

Sample : highLight : true

See also :


Description : By default, only the hovered piece of chart is highLighted; If you set option highLightFullLine to true, all data associated with the hovered piece of chart are highLighted; If you set option highLightFullLine to 'group', all the 'group' data is highLighted.

Chart types : Line, Bubbles, Radar, Bar, StackedBar, HorizontalBar, HorizontalStackedBar

Values : true, false or 'group'

Default value : false

Sample : highLightFullLine : 'group'

See also :


Description : By default, the highLighing occurs when the mouse is hover the piece of chart; If you prefer, you can change this behavious to another action : a right, left or center click on the piece of chart; In that case, the highlighting is removed when you click on another piece of chart or when you click on an "empty" part of chart.

Chart types : All

Values : 'mousemove', 'mousedown left', 'mousedown center' or 'mousedown right'

Default value : 'mousemove'

Sample : highLightMouseFunction : 'mousedown right'

See also :


Description : When the piece of chart is highLighted, the chart is redrawn (it is so quick, that you will not see that the chart is redrawn); By default, the function associated with the option "onAnimationComplete" is not executed; Set option highLightRerunEndFunction to true if you want that the function associated to option "onAnimationComplete" is executed.

Chart types : All

Values : true of false

Default value : false

Sample : highLightRerunEndFunction : true

See also :


Description : When a piece of chart is highLighted, it is simply a set of options that are associated to only the highLighted piece(s) of chart. The options that are associated to the highLighted piece(s) of chart are specified through the option highLightSet; If you want, you can associate other options for the highLighting.

Chart types : All

Values : table of options with values that have to be taken in account for the highLighted element of chart.

Default value : Line chart : { pointDotRadius: 15, pointDot : true } Bar, StackedBar, HorizontalBar, HorizontalStackedBar charts : { pointDotRadius: 15, barStrokeWidth : 5, pointDot : true } Pie, Doughnut charts : { expandOutRadius : 0.10, expandInRadius : -0.10 } Radar chart : { pointDotRadius: 15, pointDot : true } PolarArea chart : { color : "red" }

Sample : highLightSet : { fillColor : "red"}

See also :


Description : This function can be used as the value for some options. For instance, if you set option "inGraphDataShow : isHighLighted", the inGraph data will only be displayed for the highLighted elements.


Description : This function is similar to the function isHighLighted, but it is the opposate : if you set option "inGraphDataShow : isNotHighLighted", the inGraph data will only be displayed for the not highLighted elements.

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