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Francois Vancoppenolle edited this page Jun 9, 2015 · 9 revisions

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gradient Color

gradientColor.js is a small module but .... you will that with ChartNew.js you can realize great things with some few lines.

What is gradient color ? Gradient colored area is a area colored with an non-uniform color.

Example :


How to achieve such a result ?

  • Include the "Add-ins\gradientColor.js" module.

    <SCRIPT src='../Add-ins/gradientcolor.js'></script>

  • In the data part of your chart, specifies "gradientColor" for the fillColor/color and specify a gradientColors variable.


var myData = {
labels : (...),
datasets : [
		fillColor : gradientColor,
		gradientColors : ["#00FFFF 50%","green","yellow"],

Value of the gradientColors variable ?

In the gradientColors variable, you have to specify an area of colors; Behind the color you can specify a percentage - This percentage will represent the percent of area the associated to this color.

In the sample ["#00FFFF 50%","green","yellow"], 50 % of the area will be associated to the color "#00FFFF"; The 50 remaining percent of the area will be filled with the remaining colors -> 25% with "green" and 25% with "yellow".

A sample for all chart type can be found in the Sample folder : Sample\issue_102.html"

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