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Melissa Anez edited this page Mar 6, 2019 · 10 revisions


This meeting is a hybrid teleconference and IRC chat. Anyone is welcome to join. Here is the info:

  • Time: 1:00pm Eastern Standard Time US (UTC-5)
  • Zoom link:
  • IRC:
    • Join the #islandora chat room via Freenode Web IRC (enter a unique nick)
    • Or point your IRC client to #islandora on


  • Daniel Lamb
  • Melissa Anez 🌠
  • Alan Stanley
  • Aaron Birkland
  • Alexander O'Neill
  • Brandon Weigel
  • Cricket Deane
  • Don Richards
  • Mark Jordan
  • Natkeeran
  • Rosie LeFaive
  • Seth Shaw
  • Eli Zoeller


  1. Check-in on sprint
    1. Duplication/vagueness in the spreadsheet?
    2. Does anyone need any help?
  2. Multisite Interest Group
  3. We need a new cheeseburger for Islandora 8
  4. Some old business from last meeting
    1. Updating D8 core
    2. PR for fixing prepopulate bug
    3. Browsing Media revisions
    4. Transcripts!
  5. Leaking file descriptors fix... finally
  6. PR up for context misconfiguration
  7. Hardcoded fedora url 😟
  8. ... (feel free to add agenda items)


Check-in on sprint:

Some headings on the spreadsheet may overlap more than we think. Merging/updating headings is a-okay. Is there someone taking charge of organizing it all? Danny's idea is to wing it for now, and organize things further once we have the pieces drafted. Make a final pass with everything in context.

Adding a column to the spreadsheet to link to the PRs that are coming in. Things are coming along well, but there are still some pieces that don't have a sign up Let's see what we can get done this week.

Danny is available any time to consult about topics if the writer needs some guidance or has questions about Islandora 8 details. irc is the best place to find him.

Multisite Interest Group

Forming up to cover multi-tenancy Islandora needs in Islandora 8. Sparked by this listserv discussion. Brandon Weigel and Wilhelmina Randtke to co-convene.

Brandon's org BCLEN relies on multi-sites to provide Islandora for members. This is a common need, so this group will cover what needs to be supported in Islandora 8. D8 multi sites are different from D7, and this needs exploration.

Group is forming up and will recruit soon.

We need a new cheeseburger for Islandora 8

Seems silly, but this is actually pretty important. The cheeseburger was a simple, easy metaphor that explained how things worked. How do we do that for Islandora 8? Don found us a possible route with a lobster breakdown, which could be labeled with parts of the stack. Drupal is the face!

Cartoony metaphor is good, but is there a non-cartoony diagram of the stack to look at? There's this

It's harder to diagram than 7 because it's more flexible. The fundamentals in 7 were always the same. In Islandora 8, only Drupal is canonical. Maybe it's still a burger? But it could be a tofu burger, a chicken burger, open-faced etc... Drupal is still the bun, but everything else can change a lot more.

Some old business from last meeting

Our bleeding edge dev tests are failing on this, so is it still ok to merge this, since it's a security fix? Consensus is: merge.


Nat has a prototype. Nat's pretty amazing, tbh.

Seth is running Islandora 8 with big files and lots of them, and so discovered this leak. Need to close a bunch of connections. This PR tells Camel to hang up the phone when it's finished.

Just highlighting that there's a PR for this. Adds extra condition for Audio derivatives. Easy merge.

Hardcoded Fedora url in Ansible is not good. Relatively easy ticket if you want to work more with Ansible: make a variable and stick it into the task instead of this hardcoded url.

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