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3.1 Maternal Mortality

BusyBee edited this page Feb 8, 2024 · 1 revision

By 2030, reduce the global maternal mortality ratio to less than 70 per 100,000 live births

United States

Lay-Person Tasks

  • If you know someone who is pregnant, ask if they need assistance getting access to healthcare, and follow through with assisting them. 

Action Tasks

Informational Resources



  • Battling Over Birth: Black Women and the Maternal Health Care Crisis. By Julia Chinyere Oparah (Author), Helen Arega (Author), Dantia Hudson (Author), Linda Jones (Author), Talita Oseguera (Author) This both explains the problem and offers solutions. ChatGPT a book summary. There’s a book review that says it give recommendations at the end of each chapter on what people can do.





  • Find an online resource to share about giving birth without access to healthcare, for communities without healthcare access. Include resources that are accessible to people who are illiterate. 


Feedback Loops

  • Use human rights witnesses and doulas to reduce the risk of medical abuse, neglect, malpractice, and sexual assault  during birth. Advocates have a similar role to human rights witnesses but have less power. 

Stock and Flow Structures

  • Provide birthing kits to communities and expecting mothers that don’t have healthcare access


  • Reduce the healthcare costs of giving birth by restricting markup on essential life products and services.
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