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BusyBee edited this page Jan 5, 2024 · 7 revisions

By 2030, substantially increase the number of youth and adults who have relevant skills, including technical and vocational skills, for employment, decent jobs and entrepreneurship.

United States



  • Opportunity Youth 


Stock and Flow Structures

  • Entrepreneur program where the person chooses (out of a few options) to build an organization that has guaranteed funding. (Guaranteed funding= organizations the government is in need of but haven't been created. This is to address when there are no organizations to apply for grants.) This allows youth to gain experience without needing to worry about funding.

  • Have a sustainable development corps program for youth who don't qualify or fit in to other programs so they can develop skills in a safe environment.

  • Make sure youth have access to positive role models and community support- specifically mutual aid, including emotional support

  • Highschool CTE: Increase access to career and technical education programs in high schools. Expose students to various career pathways and provide training in in-demand technical skills. Encourage enrollment in CTE courses and promote skilled trades.

  • Apprenticeships: Expand apprenticeship and work-based learning programs. Partnerships between schools, community colleges, local businesses, unions and governments can create more on-the-job training and apprenticeships. These allow people to earn while they learn relevant skills.

  • Vocational counseling: Make that and career counseling more widely available. Help students and job seekers align their interests and abilities with training programs for well-paying, high-demand jobs. Guide them to appropriate educational pathways.

  • Improve affordability and access to postsecondary career-focused education. Develop more short-term certificate and certification programs at low or no cost. Provide need-based grants and scholarships. Include grants for free programs where a person struggles with time poverty due to needing to pay bills.

  • Employer Incentives: Create incentives for employers, especially small businesses and those in high-demand industries, to invest more in work-based training and upskilling employees. Tax credits or subsidies can encourage this.

  • Incentivize more industry professionals and employers to invest time in local classrooms, career fairs and community programs. This exposes youth to passionate role models.

  • Improve access to hands-on learning, maker spaces, robotics teams etc. outside formal schools - like libraries, community centers and museums. Develop creative confidence.

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