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z 16.a Extremism

BusyBee edited this page Feb 17, 2024 · 7 revisions

Strengthen relevant national institutions, including through international cooperation, for building capacity at all levels, in particular in developing countries, to prevent violence and combat terrorism and crime

United States

  • Support organizations working to empower youth, promote education and skills development in at-risk communities to prevent vulnerability to recruitment by criminal/extremist groups.
  • Volunteer or donate to civil society initiatives providing support services, counseling and rehabilitation for victims of violence and former offenders.
  • Avoid spreading unverified rumors, conspiracy theories or rhetoric that could incite fear, hatred and violence.
  • Report any suspected criminal, terrorist or radicalizing activities to the appropriate authorities. For example: Here's what you can do to report a dangerous student. This is from a Dr.K episode, if anyone has the link let me know. Basically the reason that dangerous students aren't held accountable is because the school is responsible for paying for every child's education even if they get sent to a different school, and schools for kids with behavioral issues are expensive. Collect as much evidence as you can, talk to the school, go as far up in school/district management as you can, contact the parents if you can, contact authorities, and if still nothing is done, go to a local news org.


  • People with CPTSD, developmental disabilities, cognitive disabilities, cognitive decline from aging, and mental illness are vulnerable to cult organizations, political extremism, propaganda, parasocial relationships, public manipulation, and related issues. Both conservatives and progressives have ableist attitudes that demonizes these populations and prevents solutions from being developed.

Current system traps

  • Online algorithms radicalize centrists and conservatives into becoming conspiracy theorists and christian nationalists by increasing exposure to increasingly more radical ideas and censoring information that is factual or counters the ideas. The longer time they spend and the more things they click, the worse it gets.
  • The more propaganda is repeated, in any context, the more difficult it is to unlearn, as repeating something over and over makes a person believe it.
  • The overwhelming majority of conservative political commentators do not believe the points they discuss and believe their followers are unintelligent. They say controversial things that increase viewership, and thus income. Controversial conservative commentary is highly profitable.
  • These conservative political commentators do not believe they can stop making content or be honest with their audiences out of fears their followers will turn against them and become violent.

Informational Resources




Reinforcing feedback loops

  • Have people laugh together. Source: Hidden Brain podcast about laughing.

  • Life After Hate is a group that helps people leave right-wing political extremism and connects people to social services in their area. Fundraising for and promoting this organization would help a lot. (They only have 10 employees?)

  • Make a campaign to expose people to algorithm-censored factual information. It would include informational resources for people to: (information is based on them being the target audience, resource guides I have seen in the past are geared for progressive audiences and not mindful of effective approaches) understand cults, process addictions, and propaganda question their own fascism question their own christian nationalism (christian rebuttals to false beliefs) question their own anti-feminism question their own lgbt-hate question their own racism and pro-colonialism question their own pro-capitalist/anti-communist views Have an introduction to, and advanced information sections for: (the difference is that these do not have to be catered to a conservative audience, but still need to remain unbiased) Socialism cultural anthropological view of alternative forms of government Ex-religion POC allyship & critical race theory cultural anthropology Co-ops and unions Feminism Queer theory Have the educational resource list from the education goal section for those seeking information that may have not been taught to them in public education. Ex. Khan Academy, Crash Course.

  • Advertise the above project on: conservative online forums billboards in rural areas. Billboards in rural areas are relatively cheap, I think I heard 5 dollars a day? Billboards (and stickers below) would be thought-provoking quotes with the website URL. Make a Redbubble with stickers. Make a manga & anime that follows a Hetalia story structure, but for all United States history up to modern day, with each character representing a demographic or group. The manga will explain conditions as a dark comedy using family abuse dynamics. Many consumers of anime are conservative, so this can help people understand propaganda.

  • Find a way to keep people from accidentally joining the independent party, as they named their party to intentionally be confusing.

  • If you combine the peace and freedom party, they are the 7th biggest. The Green party stays in the same place but the peace and freedom party go up and both would get momentum.

  • If you combined all the liberal parties (just went off by name) they would move up to the same spot the peace and freedom party currently has.

  • Task: Look at all the different ideologies and see which are similar and which are different.

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