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9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure

BusyBee edited this page Nov 10, 2023 · 1 revision

How can these goals be completed in a way that ensures human rights and the end of industrial complexes and the harm of capitalism? 

When we think of industries, here’s what we want to consider: 

  • All the goals in this section, as well as all the sustainable development goals, require industries to be inclusive and sustainable. This requirement is incompatible with industrial complexes, and thus getting rid of industrial complexes are in line with the sustainable development goals. 

  • An industry is a sector of the economy. It is a distinct group of enterprises. An enterprise is an undertaking, especially one of some scope, complication, and risk, and can also be an organization. While enterprises and industries are associated with profit, productivity, and business, there is nothing that requires them to be associated. 

  • People have only associated it because capitalistic business schools, financial systems, and economic theories assume growth, profit maximization, and productivity gains are core goals of enterprises and industries- although again, industries and enterprises are not required to be associated with profit or productivity. 

If, despite this explanation, you find that a goal is inherently at odds with human rights or other goals, please contact or leave a comment for discussion. There are over 200 goals, and most of them were published in 2015. I'd be very surprised if at the end of this project we did not find something problematic. If there is no possible way for a goal to stay in line with human rights, then it will be specially marked and retired from this project. 

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