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5.2 End Violence

BusyBee edited this page Jan 31, 2024 · 6 revisions

Eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.

United States

Lay-Person Tasks

  • If a woman tells you they have experienced violence, support them in whatever ways you can. While being aware of DARVO, assume they are telling the truth. 

  • If you are a parent, learn about sexual abuse and trafficking prevention and teach it to your children. Be a safe person they can talk to if something happens. 

  • If you are a man, do personal work to understand the patriarchy, what you can do to help end it, and take tangible action steps to help.

  • If you are a woman or girl, educate yourself on steps you can take to prevent violence against you. Understand that while steps can be taken to prevent violence, there is a lot of violence that can not be prevented by people who are targeted. 


  • Fully decriminalize sex work. 

  • Advance internet privacy measures and policies to prevent cyberstalking

  • Advance measures to eliminate revenge porn, child porn, and trafficking porn on all porn sites 

Information Flows

  • Teach sex trafficking prevention to students

  • Educate the public on abuse (see trauma prevention)

  • Develop financial policies to prevent financial abuse and the impacts of it such as special bankruptcies that don’t appear on financial records, unrecorded removal of credit score damages, and stricter security policies on opening credit cards.


Informational Resources

Positive Masculinity

Potential Organizations

  • Organization for black women

  • There’s a network of local coalitions who work to combat domestic violence and support victims. Find the one in your state and get involved: Volunteer with your local Coalition Against Domestic Violence.

  • Me Too is more than just a hashtag, it’s an organization that works to help those who have been assaulted enter into healing and disrupting systems that allow for the proliferation of sexual violence.


  • Books related to divorce

  • The Seven Necessary Sins for Women and Girls - information - a truly wondrous book by Mona Eltahawy; explores various facets of patriarchal violence and oppression, and what can be done to counter it. I found it pleasantly inclusive for those of us who are not women but are also directly subjected to violence and oppression by patriarchy. As with many of these resources, this is a phenomenal collection of even more resources and authors to explore - be sure to look into the work of the thinkers she cites, and the rich bibliography. 




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