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9.2 Sustainable Industries

BusyBee edited this page Mar 10, 2024 · 5 revisions

Promote inclusive and sustainable industrialization and, by 2030, significantly raise industry’s share of employment and gross domestic product, in line with national circumstances, and double its share in least developed countries

United States

Information Resource

Inclusive Industrialization

Industrial complex list:


  • If we became a socially sustainable society, what industries and job positions would no longer exist? (not including environmentally sustainable, that’s a different one) The idea is that with these jobs gone, people would be redirected to sustainable development work, develop their own projects, or simply not work and be with family/heal/whatever:
  1. real estate industry
  2. private prison industry
  3. disability court hearing & means testing jobs
  4. private health insurance
  5. many current non-profits would close and new ones would reopen (ex. The charity shuts down because the problem is solved), debt collection agencies
  6. planned obselesence manufacturing
  7. Fossil fuel industry (coal, oil & gas) - These would likely be phased out in favor of renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and geothermal. Jobs like coal miners, oil rig workers, refinery workers, etc. would either need to transition or be reduced.
  8. Intensive animal agriculture - Industrial-scale meat production causes significant greenhouse gas emissions and other sustainability issues. Jobs in this sector like factory farm workers, slaughterhouse workers, etc. would need to transition as people shifted more towards plant-based diets or smaller-scale sustainable animal farming.
  • Jobs that were once important, but the position has evolved to be harmful or not useful: 
  1. HR
  2. Pharmacy Benefit Managers
  • Jobs that would significantly reduce if society was sustainable
  1. Clergy
  2. Social Media Influencers
  3. Anything to do with cars. Car sales, car manufacturing, etc. 
  4. Advertizing and Marketing
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