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GSoC 2014 Brainstorming

Erik Tollerud edited this page Feb 5, 2014 · 20 revisions

This is a brainstorming page, and is not the final 'ideas' page for GSoC 2014.

Indicate any ideas of projects for the core or affiliated packages:

  • Work on WCSAxes which is intended for inclusion in Astropy in the long term.
  • Further work on photutils to make it ready for inclusion in the core package.
  • Work on reprojection code (e.g. python-reprojection) to make it easy to reproject images to different WCS (could potentially be included in Astropy in the long term).
  • Work on simple FITS manipulation tools for header maintenance & reprojection (closely related to python-reprojection above, but FITS-specific; FITS_tools)
  • Develop tools to read in a variety of spectroscopic file types into specutils objects
  • Implement new query tools within astroquery
  • Implement a TAP interface, also
  • Implement an affiliated package installer and improve the affiliated package infrastructure.
  • Automate the release process.
  • Improve test coverage in all sub-packages.
  • Develop fancy website for tutorials with tagging, search, etc.
  • Implement uncertainties for astropy.units.Quantity
  • Implement all or part of the IAU2000 ICRS<->AltAz stack of transformations in coordinates


  • Thomas Robitaille, MPIA
  • Adrian Price-Whelan, Columbia (especially for the tutorials project, but could help with photutils or specutils)
  • Adam Ginsburg, ESO (astroquery, specutils)
  • Tom Aldcroft, CfA
  • Neil Crighton, Swinburne (I'd prefer to help with tutorials or specutils, but anything is ok.)
  • Erik Tollerud, Yale
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