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GSoC 2016 Application Bhautik Mavani: Web development for Gammapy

Bhautik Mavani edited this page Mar 24, 2016 · 7 revisions

Student Information

**Name:**Bhautik Mavani
Github: mvnnn
Twitter: Bhautik Mavani
Time-zone: UTC + 5:30

University Information

University: Dhirubhai Ambani Institute of Information & Communication Technology, Gandhinagar
Major: Computer Science
Current Year and Expected Graduation date:Third year, 2017
Degree: B.Tech

Programming details

Platform details

I use Linux mint 17.3 "Rosa" as my primary work machine and Atom as my primary text editor because it's very promising new editor and provide a lot of new functionality.Sometimes I also use Sublime Text 3. I am very much familiar with Git and Github.

##Programming experience I have 3-year programming experience in web developing and 2-year programming experience in python. I have done 3-month internship as a web developer and 1-month internship as a game developer. I had developed more then 6 web app and two website using HTML,CSS,javascript(es5 and es6), AngularJS, Jquery, BackboneJS, React, Bootstrap, materialize, material-UI in Front-end and Django,NodeJS in Back-end using database MongoDB and Mysql. I am doing programming using python, C and java. I have done Data Analysis and Statistics course on coursera. I'm proficient in Cython and Numpy. I like Python because of it's simplicity and readability and the large number of available open source libraries.

#Project Proposal Information ##Proposal Title

##Proposal Abstract

##Timeline: I have no other plans for this summer and I am quite sure that I'll be able to give 45-55 hours a week for the project. I am familiar with astropy codebase and development workflow. My classes starts in August but that won't be an issue as it will be beginning of the semester and academics load will be less and I'll be working with same pace. I'll be writing tests and documentation along with implementation.

22 Apr - 22 May: Community Bonding Period. Discuss more about the project with mentors, know the community.

23 May - 29 May :

30 May - 5 June :

6 June - 12 June :

13 June - 19 June :

20 June - 26 June : Mid term evaluation

27 June - 3 July :

4 July - 10 July :

11 July - 17 July :

18 July - 24 July :

25 July - 31 July :

1 August - 7 August :

8 August - 14 August :

15 August - 23 August: Final week.

##Link to a patch/code sample, preferably one you have submitted to your sub-org I was introduced to Astropy in January 2016,Since then I have been consistently contributing and learning from the great community.Here is a list of all pull requests in chronological order.

##Links to additional information

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