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astrofrog edited this page Oct 8, 2012 · 23 revisions

AstroPy Coordination Meeting 2012



Please feel free to add to this list!

  • The current state of the Astropy core package
    • Overview of current sub-packages
    • What sub-packages need to be improved?
    • How should we phase out stand-alone versions?
    • Do we want to change the current layout? (e.g. -> astropy.vo, etc.)
    • Plan for of 0.2 release
      • Release date?
      • Full public Advertising?
      • How to increase visibility of affiliated packages?
  • Future roadmap
    • How can we improve the interoperability of sub-packages?
    • What major new components do we want to see in Astropy over the next year? Which affiliated packages should be aimed at inclusion? (and who will coordinate these)
      • Photometry?
      • Spectroscopy?
      • Generalized WCS?
      • Any form of plotting? (e.g. WCS grids, etc.)
    • Are there any new affiliated packages we should aim to create?
    • What existing third-party packages should we target for making affiliated packages? What offer will they not be able to refuse?
  • Advocacy and communication with the community
    • Astropy "project" vs. "package" and wider community-building
    • Are the website and docs clear enough for beginners? Should we solicit feedback and advertise the Edit on GitHub feature? Maybe we should have a 1 min video showing how to edit the docs for beginners?
    • Update online workshops! (python4astronomers and related forks)
    • Astrobetter? Facebook? Twitter?
  • Additional miscellaneous topics
    • Missing value support
    • Hooks for external packages to convert to astropy objects (e.g. __astropy__nddata__, etc.)




This is a draft schedule and is subject to change

Tuesday, Oct 9

This day will be dedicated to the current state of Astropy, and discussing final steps to improving the code and documentation for the 0.2 release

8:00am Registration/light breakfast


Introductions and overview of Astropy project and core package current status (Perry, Tom, and Erik)


Tour of Astropy

A 'Tour of astropy' as it stands right now. Package maintainers summarize their own packages, as well as places where they need work. Includes group questions/discussion where appropriate.

10:45am Break


We will discuss the current state of Astropy and the 0.2 release

Detailed agenda

  • Overview of current sub-packages
  • What sub-packages need to be improved?
  • How should we phase out stand-alone versions?
  • Do we want to change the current layout? (e.g. -> astropy.vo, etc.)
  • Plan for of 0.2 release
    • Release date?
    • Full public Advertising?
    • How to increase visibility of affiliated packages?
12:00pm Lunch @ STScI cafeteria


Discussion of advertising Astropy, other advocacy/communication issues, and publicity of affiliated package concept.

Detailed agenda

  • Astropy "project" vs. "package" and wider community-building
  • Are the website and docs clear enough for beginners? Should we solicit feedback and advertise the Edit on GitHub feature? Maybe we should have a 1 min video showing how to edit the docs for beginners?
  • Updating online workshops (python4astronomers and related forks)
  • Astrobetter? Facebook? Twitter?


Breakout groups or mini-sprints focused on documentation/web site and exploring astropy code. Possible topics include:

  • Git/github tutorial and improving the developer part of the documentation
  • Bug-squashing for 0.2 release issues
  • web site review
  • Documentation organization/enhancement
  • <Further suggestions are welcome before or during the meeting>
6:00pm Group dinner (location TBD)

Wednesday, Oct 10

This day will be dedicated to discussing the roadmap of Astropy and affiliated packages after the 0.2 release

8:00am Light breakfast

Future roadmap

Discussion of "large-scale" future roadmap questions: e.g., what new packages do we need, what are the best advertising channels, who do we need to get more involved in the project, etc.



Breakout sessions to discuss large-scale questions

10:45am Break
11:00am Share with whole meeting the results of breakout sessions
12:00pm Lunch @ STScI cafeteria

Action items

Discussion of specific tasks that need getting done and decisions that need to be made, and who will do them.



Sprint and/or breakout sessions for decision-making. Topics:

  • "Generalized" WCS
  • Specutils affiliated package
  • Photutils affiliated package
  • <Further suggestions are welcome before or during the meeting>

Thursday, Oct 11

This is sprint day!

9:00am Meet to discuss what anyone wants to sprint on
9:30am Code! (until you have to leave)
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