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Nadia Dencheva edited this page Jul 24, 2017 · 14 revisions

List of models for the astropy core

This is a list of models we plan to put into the astropy core before the 0.3 release. Discussion:

Here's the list of models already in astropy.modeling.models:

These lists were generated by going through these lists and selecting the models that seem general and often-used enough to be in astropy core:

General models

Spectral models

Physics models

  • Navarro, Frenk, and White 1996 profile – the canonical dark matter halo profile; in Astropysics
  • Generic alpha-beta-gamma models common in mass modeling (NFW is a subset of this) in PyModelFit
  • Plummer sphere (Plummer 1911) in Astropysics
  • King2D
  • King3D - this is the deprojected version of king2d


  • Table models (see tablemodel in Sherpa or LinearInterpolatedModel or NearestInterpolatedModel in PymodelFit 1D and 2D table models in GammaLib) with a few interpolation options. This is very important but I think should be discussed in a separate issue, with the discussion here focusing on "analytical" or "functional" or "mathematical" models.

Update - Models not implemented as of July 2017

Current list of models in modeling -

To avoid duplication of effort if you intend to work on implementing a new model please create an issue on github stating so.

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