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GSoC 2016 Application Manikanta Reddy D : Ephemerides for Solar System objects in Astropy

Manikanta Reddy D edited this page Mar 13, 2016 · 3 revisions

Student Information

Name: Manikanta Reddy D

Time Zone: GMT +5:30

Github Handle: @ManikantaReddyD


University Information

University: Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur

Major: Computer Science and Engineering

Expected Year of Graduation: 2017

Degree: B. Tech


Ephemerides for Solar System objects in Astropy

Implement algorithms to compute ephemeris of Solar System objects and translate them to Astropy coordinate framework.


Additional features to astropy-cordinates package for computing ephemerides of Solar system objects like planets, asteroids and artificial satellites. The new additions will allow the user to enter the time, location (optional) to get the on sky locations of the desired object in the coordinate system of choice ( Default: GCRS ). This project will take advantage of the JPLEphem or other related packages.

Through this project we aim to provide a solution for general logistic problem faced by observational astronomers. We will be exploring alternative packages to astropy and implement those features, by carefully handling conventions and preferences of other packages. We will be using skyfield or PyEphem to do the computations for us and create a wrapper around to make the package native to astropy, by using astropy.time for quick time conversions and astropy.coordinates for coordinate translations.

I'm greatly interested in collaborating with others to help to develop the much needed features, through this GSoC project.

In the project we will:

  • Construct a set of functions that will enable the user to retrieve on sky location of objects of interest.
  • Provide for flexible choice of input and output systems.
  • Create a documentation and tutorial for using the new features, as a blog and in astropy docs.

Here is a snippet of get_moon I've tried to implement

Proposed Timeline

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