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Larry Bradley edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 33 revisions

Testing of v3.2 Release Candidate(s)

You can install the RC with e.g.:

pip install astropy==3.2rc2

and test it with (make sure you have the dependency pytest-astropy installed):

python -c "import astropy; astropy.test(remote_data=True)"

Or if you don't want to install (and/or want to test the docs files, too), you can do the following, assuming you have pytest 3.5+ installed:

pip download astropy==3.2rc2
tar xzf astropy-3.2rc2.tar.gz
cd astropy-3.2rc2
python test --remote-data

This will produce a long sequence of dots and letters indicating the test is running. At the end you should see something like

=========== 8949 passed, 115 skipped, 73 xfailed, 1 xpassed, 2 pytest-warnings in 476.85 seconds ===========

If this shows no failures, you can report it in the table below as a "success", otherwise put it as a "failure" (and if need be you can create an issue in the astropy issue tracker).

If you are in a hurry and already have the astropy git source set up, you can also just checkout the v3.2rc2 tag. Don't forget to fetch the latest changes first (git fetch --all). Note, though, that the pip (or downloading the pypi tarball and installing it) is preferred, because that's closer to what users will do.



Name (real or Github) Python version(s) OS Issue(s) Notes


Name (real or Github) Python version(s) OS Issue(s) Notes
E. Tollerud (@eteq) 3.7.3 OSX 10.11.16 Numpy 1.16.4
P. L. Lim (@pllim) 3.7.1 Windows 10 Numpy 1.16.2, 2 xpassed
P. L. Lim (@pllim) 3.7.1 RHEL 7.6 Numpy 1.16.3
L. Bradley (@larrybradley) 3.7.3 OSX 10.13.6 Numpy 1.16.4

Testing with affiliated/other downstream packages

Package name name (real or Github) yea or nay Notes, links to travis, etc
synphot P. L. Lim (@pllim) Y All green, numpy 1.16.3
stsynphot P. L. Lim (@pllim) Y All green, numpy 1.16.3
ginga P. L. Lim (@pllim) Y All green, numpy 1.16.3
stginga P. L. Lim (@pllim) Y All green, numpy 1.16.3
photutils L. Bradley (@larrybradley) Y All green, numpy 1.16.4



Name (real or Github) Python version(s) OS Issue(s) Notes Release Critical
Derek Homeier (@dhomeier) 3.7.0, 3.7.3 OS X 10.12.6 erfa ufunc fix or dep on numpy>=1.16 Y
Megan Sosey (@sosey) 3.7.2 OS X 10.13.6 erfa assert 4 failures, 3 from timeout, the other from an erfa assertion Y
Larry Bradley (@larrybradley) 3.7.3 OS X 10.13.6 #8672; coords: test_constellations_with_nameresolve() -> astropy.coordinates.name_resolve.NameResolveError: Unable to find coordinates for name 'UMa II'; test_download_parallel() -> _gdbm.error (temp unavail) 3 failures, 2 from timeouts?
P. L. Lim (@pllim) 3.7.1 Windows 10 #8672, #8682, #8683, #8684 Maaaybe?
P. L. Lim (@pllim) 3.7.1 RHEL 7.6 Numpy 1.16.3 #8684 and #8672
Ole Streicher (@olebole) 3.7.3 Debian 10 #8698, #8700 Tested on all official Debian archs (32/64 bit, LE/BE)


Name (real or Github) Python version(s) OS Issue(s) Notes
Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz) 3.7.0 OSX 10.13.6 unrelated looking _gdbm.error
P. L. Lim (@pllim) 3.7.1 RHEL 7.6 Numpy 1.15. #8684
Derek Homeier (@dhomeier) 3.7.3 OS X 10.12.6 open_files Numpy 1.14, 1.16 sep. #8671, #8672

Testing with affiliated/other downstream packages

Package name name (real or Github) yea or nay Notes, links to travis, etc
photutils Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz) Y All green
astroquery Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz) Y Fails with regions deprecation warning about astropy.extern.six otherwise all green
ccdproc Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz) Y All green
gammapy Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz) Y some issues with GAMMAPY_DATA, all failures look unrelated
regions Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz) Y All green
reproject Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz) ??? tests don't start, unrelated incompatibility with pytest
astroML Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz) Y All green
astroplan Brigitta Sipocz (@bsipocz) ??? tests don't start, needs maintenance to bring up compatibility with 3.2
asdf Derek Homeier (@dhomeier) Y unrelated failure of test_invalid_source (wrong Error type)
synphot P. L. Lim (@pllim) Y All green, numpy 1.15
stsynphot P. L. Lim (@pllim) Y All green, numpy 1.15
ginga P. L. Lim (@pllim) Y All green, numpy 1.15
stginga P. L. Lim (@pllim) Y All green, numpy 1.15
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