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Releases: atk4/ui


05 Mar 15:41
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Closed issues:

  • Bad icon and text button vertical alignment #668
  • Incorrect ids for elements #667
  • Width is not applied correctly to elements #656
  • Improvements to Console #392

Merged pull requests:


25 Feb 22:34
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Merged pull requests:


23 Feb 22:12
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Closed issues:

  • Table using setSource(): Ability to add custom headline #650
  • Double confirm alert #649
  • Form - create "read-only" field #486

Merged pull requests:


04 Feb 19:53
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Closed issues:

  • dev-develop branches should require other dev-develop branches for all atk/* repositories #641
  • mink-selenium2-driver #638
  • hasOne relation should use Lookup field instead of DropDown by default #636
  • Template: tryAppend() and tryAppendHTML() woud be nice #626
  • Possible Restriction Solution: custom templates must be defined in vendor atk4/ui #625
  • CRUD and read_only field #620
  • Ternary operator messes up integer with value = 0 in DropDown::getInput() #618
  • Template _top tag doesn't work #610
  • Multiple Modals: Closing second modal by clicking dimmer does not work everywhere in dimmer if second modal is smaller than first one #609
  • Lister need {empty} ability in it's template #606
  • confirm in View->on() only works with Callback, not with jsReload for example #503
  • Font size on tablet screen #485
  • Implement a simple template routing in Agile UI #440
  • Nested Modals #436
  • Integrate ATK with Zend3 #384

Merged pull requests:


29 Nov 03:25
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Adding new form layouts, toast and switching to selenium for UI tests. Fixed readonly fields, added many tests
and upgraded Fomantic-UI version.

Closed issues:

  • Can not tick CheckBox field when it is in group #593
  • Message view Icon placement is strange #592
  • Modal without any action buttons at the bottom still shows action div #583
  • DropDown doesn't open when having showOnFocus=false #580
  • Feature Request: JsReload should be able to set .api parameters (like Form does) #578
  • Disabled fields can still be focused and edited #575
  • Grid sorting memorizes previous sort order in URL #573
  • Columns not sorting if added after setModel #544
  • Calendar form field on('change') event handler not working #521
  • Upload FormField: Setting placeholder via placeholder does not work #483
  • Placeholder is not picked up from Model field ui[placeholder] property #468
  • type='money' is no longer using 'Money' column decorarot #414

Merged pull requests:


08 Oct 18:34
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Our 1.6 release signifies a switch from a stale Semantic UI CSS framework to a community-supported Fomantic UI fork, version 2.6.2. Calendar widget is now supported natively, various other issues are addressed but, more importantly, Fomantic UI is open for collaboration. We are working with their core maintainers hammy2899, prudho and ColinFrick to implement new modern UI features.

Also now have ability to resize any table, Grid or CRUD:

// Enable reizable columns on the table

// Also supports custom callaback (on-resize) and ability to pre-set the width:
$table->resizableColumn(function($j, $w){
    $columnWidths = json_decode($w);
    // store widths somewhere
}, [200,300,100,100,100]); // default widths


// For Grid or CRUD:

We also introducing a somewhat experemental "Lookup" field. It is identical to AutoComplete and can work as a stand-in
replacement, but supports "filters". For now we are looking for ways to make this field more compact before it becomes
part of AutoComplete.

$form = $app->add(new \atk4\ui\Form(['segment']));
$form->add(['Label', 'Add city', 'top attached'], 'AboveFields');

$l = $form->addField('city',['Lookup']);

// will restraint possible city value in droddown base on country and/or language.
$l->addFilter('country', 'Country');
$l->addFilter('language', 'Lang');

//make sure country and language belong to your model.
$l->setModel(new City($db));

Closed issues:

  • Menu->addItem is not using App->url method #565
  • $grid->jsReload() does not show loading indicator #561
  • In CRUD form->error() is not treated correctly #558
  • DropDown with icons don't look nice #514
  • jsNotify->setDuration(0) message is not sown forever #478
  • Paginator should have ability to choose items per page #441

Merged pull requests:


16 Aug 08:22
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  • Modals now support "null" title. Will remove extra spacing for the header too
  • Modal content height is now 100px minimum
  • Added $app->isJsonRequest(), detects xmlhttprequest and tabs
  • Dynamic and Static tabs now have consistent padding
  • $tabs->addTab()->setActive() can be used to automatically jump to tab on load
  • When using stand-alone $view->render() support for callbacks improved
  • jsModal::setOption() can be used to customize header and label.


26 Jul 22:42
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26 Jul 22:42
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Merged pull requests:

  • Fix decorator for boolean fields with enum set #533 (DarkSide666)
  • fix/caughtException in tab #531 (ibelar)
  • feature/Allow customization of container and table in grid. #528 (ibelar)


24 Jul 15:44
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Closed issues:

  • CRUD edit form reload don't use stickyGet parameters #524
  • If AJAX request fails - provide user-friendly way to see error #522
  • Date picker doesn't respect APP->ui_persistence->date_format #507

Merged pull requests: