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887 lines (749 loc) · 60.4 KB

File metadata and controls

887 lines (749 loc) · 60.4 KB


v3.2.0 (31/10/2019)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v3.2.0

New features:

  • E-ARK SIP version 2 support (Common Specification version 2.0.1)


  • Added download submissions button on the AIP page #1479
  • Added confirmation when trying to remove a user or group #1458
  • Added Accept-Ranges: bytes header for GET requests without Range header to enable pre-flight

Bug Fixes:

  • Fixed ingest step report problem after SIP moves
  • Fixed ingest report problem that were not added to the main report after moving SIPS
  • Fixed title sort issue on AIP lists
  • Fixed missing default sort list information problem
  • Fixed has failures facet of job list that was not considering running jobs


  • Upgrading jackson to fix CVE-2019-14540 and CVE-2019-16335 fixes #1495

v3.1.1 (30/05/2019)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v3.1.1


  • Create a way to define orchestrator block size per plugin #1476
  • Introduce cache strategies to improve ingest performance #1475
  • Add HTTP notification support on MinimalIngestPlugin #1473
  • Reindex plugins must deal with org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.CloudSolrClient$RouteException #1469
  • Add descriptive metadata config to open specific tab by default #1464

Bug Fixes:

  • Fix translation disparities between english and portuguese languages #1474
  • Stop job button missing #1470
  • Cannot create an AIP using web user interface #1468
  • Page information on navigation bar is not generic to files or other possible RODA objects #1463

v3.1.0 (30/04/2019)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v3.1.0

New features:

  • Configurable columns in all search results #1459
  • Create Portal UI endpoint #1452


  • Upgrading Solr version to 7.7
  • Upgrading PDFjs to 2.0.943 #1461
  • Possibility to orderly show descriptive metadata on UI #1451
  • Configuring a ui.list should not need to override all lists #1445

Bug Fixes:

  • Stemming for single-valued fields not ative #1460
  • Repository preservation events are not being re-indexed #1447
  • Report verification on ingest does not properly support transformation of resources to multiple AIPs #1444
  • Being processed counter is not being correctly calculated #1443
  • Bug while searching for filename #1432

v3.0.2 (31/01/2019)

Install for demonstration

docker pull keeps/roda:v3.0.2

Security fixes

  • Fixing CVE-2018-19360, CVE-2018-19362, CVE-2018-19361 by updating jackson library


  • Chart.js and FileSaver.js as webjars #1440
  • After login the browser back shows login panel although user is already logged in #860
  • Adding menu text color configurations

Bug Fixes:

  • Ingest events not being indexed correctly #1438
  • When executing an action over all objects of a specific entity, the humanized filter on UI is not properly showed #1437
  • When ingesting with multiple SIPs, in the end of the job each AIP has multiple ingest ended events #1436
  • Node selection window grows vertically forever #1433
  • Button text overflow #1431
  • Fixed problem related with updating old to new transferred resource identifier when moving SIP after ingest

v3.0.1 (14/12/2018)

Install for demonstration

docker pull keeps/roda:v3.0.1

New features:

  • Plugin parameter TextBox in read-only mode #1234


  • Hiding the advanced search and searching uses advanced search fields #1426

Bug Fixes:

  • Users/groups REST API endpoint error when using XML as output format #1429
  • AntiVirus does not show the version correctly #1428
  • Wrong input box's title in advanced search for representations/files #1424
  • Links between representation information and files is not working #1420
  • Dynamic _txt field should be multivalued #1419
  • Risk incidences table UI for a specific risk is messed up #1417
  • Partial duplicate of preservation event #1416
  • MP4 video is not playing in Safari in the HTML5 video #907

v3.0.0 (28/11/2018)

Install for demonstration

docker pull keeps/roda:v3.0.0

Main highlights

  • Improvements in product usability
  • Native support for representation information management
  • Ability to search all repository pages (e.g., intellectual entities, ingestion processes, preservation processes, preservation events, users/groups, etc.)
  • New visual metaphors for the state of processes including the ability to pause them
  • Delayed execution of actions in the background
  • New PDF viewer
  • Native support for Representation Information management
  • Support for operation in Read Only mode and for operation in multi-server environments for high performance and high availability, i.e. cluster
  • New indexing engine, faster in contexts in the hundreds of millions of records
  • Bug fixes and improvements in terms of security and system stability

Detailed changelog

New features:

  • Add JSONP support to all methods that need to be called via AJAX #1374
  • Add visual cue for tables being auto-updated #1289
  • Implement actions layout as a contextual menu instead of sidebar #1259
  • Configurable web interface date format #1251
  • Job process source objects list must be changed/deleted #1238
  • Show file name extention in file info sidebar panel #1218
  • Storage level Read Only Mode #1196
  • On SIP update add new SIP ids to the AIP #1183
  • Add a way of downloading a RI record (XML) #1177
  • Change the "nobranding" implementation to support multiple additional CSS instead of just one #1157
  • Card filters #1116
  • Obtain last report using transferred resource filename #1076
  • Add a new option to the ingest workflow that specifies that a notification/email should only be sent if the ingest procedure is not 100% successful. #1031
  • Log sign-off events #1028
  • Configuration option to only send ingest email notification when there are failures #1026
  • Hide actions which user does not have permissions to execute #1022
  • Override roda configuration via environment variables #979
  • Develop CSS for being "printer friendly" #848
  • Allow to filter jobs that have failures #831
  • "Representation type" should be a controlled vocabulary #798
  • Representation date created and updated #712
  • Support file streaming in REST API #709
  • Index representation metadata #621
  • FileStorageService support for folder scattering #527
  • Allow to define menu items and color in configuration #521
  • Handle RPC timeouts on long requests #490
  • Dynamic relationships between AIPs/representation/files and Representation information #343
  • Representation Information AIP #331


  • Enter should automatically search on the list if still on the textbox #1412
  • Representation information MUST have advanced search #1410
  • When creating new ingest job and obtaining cURL, modal button text makes no sense #1409
  • Eliminate some right side bars #1407
  • When cancelling an AIP creation, a popup to view the remove job is unnecessary #1403
  • Permissions "apply to all" #1395
  • Stemming is not working #1391
  • Allow setting fieldsToReturn in index/find API #1387
  • Hide action-related elements for users without roles #1384
  • Show instance id in log entry if exists #1383
  • Add support for CORS #1382
  • Backing to search page should maintain the result list visible #1381
  • Improve page titles #1380
  • Fix and improve filtered search #1379
  • In the BrowseAIP details sidebar show a SIP identifier per line #1376
  • Add support for jsonp requests in IndexResource#list #1375
  • ERROR log about dead letter due to locking #1369
  • Cache siegfried version #1368
  • Representation information problems #1361
  • A list's first auto-update should happen sooner #1360
  • Metadata validation agent description should be more generic #1359
  • Align header checkbox in lists #1355
  • Improve empty list mesage #1354
  • Viewing a pres. event from an AIP has no way to go back #1346
  • has wui related properties and shouldn't #1341
  • BrowseAIP permissions and roles visibility #1335
  • On search only show options in dropdown if user has roles #1334
  • Search does superfluous requests to server #1333
  • Group checkbox title should be group name #1331
  • Implement new BrowseAIP design #1320
  • Refactor search and list components #1319
  • Confusing message about checkboxes that are not visible #1318
  • List files under a representation using the REST API #1312
  • Fix Job(report) links in AIP details sidebar #1304
  • Create class hierarchy for wui advanced search #1303
  • Re-design BrowseAIP cards to include actionable buttons #1302
  • Make advanced search toggle easier to notice #1301
  • Report list improvements #1299
  • Change table select all button #1295
  • Change permissions in AIP details slider #1294
  • Not all tables should be auto-updated #1288
  • I don't love the way KEEPS logo appears on the footer #1271
  • Add breadcrumbs to replace "back" buttons #1270
  • Relations with no title sometimes appear empty when editing representation information #1269
  • Add KEEPS logo to RODA #1266
  • Add icons to all page titles #1264
  • Add description to Preservation Events page #1263
  • Remove "beta" label from Representation Information #1262
  • Remove sidebar #1261
  • Remove date filter from sidebar and add it as advanced search #1260
  • Useless tooltip on user permission checkboxes #1255
  • Button to select all permissions should have the same size as the clear one #1254
  • Support CAS single sign out #1250
  • Improve folder creation method #1248
  • Implement retries and metrics when using iterable index results #1242
  • Missing CSS classes in several sidebar components necessary for customization #1228
  • When creating new AIP if the type has no related form it should open XML text area automatically #1227
  • Improve logging when error pages are shown #1226
  • Support URI as Linking Object Identifier on Preservation Events #1225
  • Some fields in preservation events are being indexed twice #1223
  • Review indexes to include docValues #1222
  • BrowserService.retrieveRepresentationInformationExtraBundle() should only receive Id #1217
  • ingest.daily.file_endpoint doesn't need to start with 'file:///' #1214
  • Add Content-Length header to file download REST API #1212
  • Parsing transferred resource date warning #1211
  • Move all local JS dependencies to webjars #1206
  • RI search by tags show no feedback #1202
  • An external link in RI should be opened in another window #1201
  • Welcome page review (Portuguese version) #1200
  • Date (with or without time) should be presented always in the same format #1198
  • Remove export button from edit association when seeing one representation information #1188
  • Representation Information list tag design layout #1178
  • Metadata field DC type should be mapped into RODA Level during indexing #1174
  • Add pre-wrap to representation information long text values when viewing and increase height when editing. #1168
  • Changing administrators permissions blocking should be properly handled #1165
  • In the user group facet, show full name instead of identifier #1164
  • When we move an AIP using the sidebar button on the right, it should say which AIP we are moving for safe checking. #1163
  • It should be possible to search by content in the event register #1161
  • Reconfigure logback to use RollingFileAppender instead of FileAppender #1160
  • Representation list file count does not distinguish folders from files #1158
  • Use ReturnWithExceptions logic on SolrUtils functions #1154
  • RODA core could generated plugin information in markdown format #1151
  • Change rep. information (i) color to be fixed blue color #1148
  • IncrementalList enhancements #1147
  • Improvements on representation information association #1146
  • When changing only Rich Text Area content, save does not work #1145
  • Rep. Information - Associate to existing #1143
  • When selecting the AIP to create a relation with (from RI) the AIP title is not shown if the AIP has no title. #1128
  • Adding new categories and then editing them makes the component show the first field empty #1125
  • Support HTML rich text area on RI editor #1124
  • Review format.json conversion script #1123
  • Add columns to RI list #1122
  • Review PT translations of RI labels #1120
  • Job async cleanup #1117
  • Add a section about Representation Information to the overview document (at the end) #1114
  • Change RI Association page subtitle #1113
  • Preview results when associating RI #1112
  • Change link behaviour in show/edit representation information #1111
  • Change IncrementalList #1110
  • Change edit associations dialog #1109
  • Intellectual Entity remove dialog text is not clear enough #1106
  • Default title when creating representation information #1099
  • Change menu item "Representation information registry" to "Representation network" #1090
  • Create help texts for the RI relations popup #1086
  • Text boxes should be white on RI panel and combos blue #1084
  • Representation information families #1079
  • Define relation types for Representation Information and Intellectual entities #1078
  • Define risk to create when AIP only have non supported representation information #1077
  • Define Representation Information Pop-ups descriptions #1074
  • The key optionsLabelI18nKeyPrefix='otherlevel' is not translated into Portuguese on the default RODA config #1071
  • Make sure these keys exist in all languages #1068
  • There are templates and XSLTs called "EAD". Is this obsolete? #1065
  • When we hit save on the descriptive metadata editor, the cursor should be placed on the top so that we can read the error messages #1064
  • Update table to display the representation "Status" instead of "Original" which is obsolete #1059
  • Update translation Change States > Change Status #1058
  • Changing the TYPE of an AIP should have the same behaviour as changing the TYPE of a representation #1056
  • Break lines on the visualisation XSLT are not being preserved #1055
  • Define risk when representation information is missing #1054
  • Review links on the footer of the demo. Some are wrong, others are broken #1053
  • Statistics export url should explicitly request CSV via query parameter #1049
  • Review preservation events based on the new PREMIS vocabulary #1046
  • Make dbviewer iframe fullheight #1044
  • Revise the at the root of the project. Some of its sections are more updated on the Documentation folder #1041
  • Indexing partial date of date final fixes it to first day of the year #1038
  • "AIP ancestor hierarchy fix" plugin should be of category "management" #1036
  • Limit result size of CSV export on WUI #1030
  • Disable showing all results when entering search #1029
  • Move documentation from the wiki to #1025
  • Create a new field on AIP that contains all create and update job ids #1001
  • Add OrFilterParameters pre filter draw #999
  • Properties loading could be improved #998
  • Re-implement actions in all entities using the Actionable interface #885
  • Schedule transferred resource list update after upload #858
  • Docker build running user and volume permissions #857
  • The agent version of siegfried plugin should include also the version of the PRONOM signature file #846
  • External plugins should have their own configs & i18n #785
  • Review default corpora #781
  • File upload encoding problem #727
  • Allow to define transferred resources absolute path #651
  • Transferred resource upload creates temp. files and does not remove them in the end #625
  • NPE when updating ApacheDS to newer versions #475

Bug Fixes:

  • AIP preservation events count is wrong sometimes #1415
  • When doing manual ingest appraisal, the toast text is wrong #1411
  • When the language selected is the one with the greatest char length, the check is positioned on top of the text #1406
  • Agents should be created/updated alongside with user management #1405
  • When creating sublevel, viewport is not at the top of the page #1404
  • Missing/wrong i18n pt_PT translations #1402
  • Client side error in item lists (select, navigate, go back, error) #1401
  • File leak in theme resource when browser caches resources #1400
  • Page range selection popup in search does not disappear on mobile #1399
  • Hiding too much information on preservation actions list #1398
  • Remove Format object #1397
  • Missing translation in advanced search #1396
  • Inconsistent reports when using manual appraisal #1394
  • AIP "In this package" search option should only search representations and files #1393
  • In search, sometimes the dropdown items break into 2 lines #1392
  • Remove RegexFilterParameter #1390
  • Inconsistent state in browse aip #1385
  • Ingest: Do not release lock until whole ingest workflow ends #1378
  • 'Source objects' is not displaying correctly #1373
  • 'Clear facets' button appears when it should not #1371
  • Auto-resize dialogs with lists when the list contents change #1370
  • job report list shows failed column 1 when it is still running #1367
  • Non admin users cannot see repository level events #1366
  • SIP update failures not being moved to failure folder #1365
  • Error when SIP update fails in default ingest due to NO_OUTCOME_ID #1364
  • SIP update failures not updating job #1363
  • Moving files to root throws an 500 error #1358
  • Actions are overriding redirects #1357
  • Viewing job after action does not work #1356
  • Ingest transfer upload button not working #1352
  • CAS API auth allows incoherent state in basic auth fallback #1349
  • The selected items information is not coherent #1348
  • New GSS integration makes theme.css with less priority #1347
  • Changing representation type does not update page #1345
  • Identifying formats action in representation shows remove job message #1344
  • Move of a file to root gives NPE while checking permissions #1343
  • NPE when opening selectdialog #1342
  • Opening Advanced search the search button is disabled #1340
  • Date range search is not accurate #1339
  • Ingest ended event is not being created if move SIPs when auto accept is active #1338
  • Cannot change user permission using user management UI #1332
  • User without permissions cannot access its own profile page #1330
  • When uploading a file, a JS error is thrown #1329
  • Resolve of class not supported #1327
  • Extraneous filters being submitted to solr #1326
  • Search page is searching on load #1325
  • Searching searches twice #1324
  • Descendants search does not work #1323
  • Reindexing does not work #1322
  • Unable to remove users that are not on the visible range of the list #1321
  • RODA does not start #1317
  • Job with list of Ids should not use index.count() to count the list of items #1314
  • Buggy UI when starting a preservation action on an inactive AIP #1311
  • Selected items count misbehaves when items are removed from the list #1308
  • 'Done' button in upload is not working correctly #1307
  • Going back does not clear table selection #1306
  • Selecting checkboxes in lists causes exception in javascript #1305
  • Search ignore character '?' not working #1296
  • Ingest process list keeps selected item #1293
  • Resolve of class not supported: #1292
  • AIP event and log count do not match the number of items in lists #1291
  • Group permissions should be displayed in the AIP details slider #1290
  • On table auto-update, checkboxes are de-selected #1287
  • Popup menu may appear out of screen #1284
  • Log entry parameters can exceed Solr string size limit #1283
  • AIP corruption risk assessment (1.0) does not mitigate incidences after the risk has been solved #1281
  • Counters on job execution don't seem right #1280
  • Plugins without icon #1279
  • Error changing permissions #1277
  • On the staging server it fails when we upload files to RODA #1276
  • Search page filtering fields that are not in that collection #1274
  • List created packages of ingest job is not working #1273
  • Move action popup does not show entity id #1268
  • Translations are not working correctly #1267
  • Unauthenticated API requests are not working #1265
  • Back from AIP -> Event -> Agent doesn't work #1258
  • Wrong icon when viewing a file #1253
  • Moving folder does nothing and job reports success #1245
  • Uploading a large number of files makes the "Done" button glitch #1244
  • When editing AIP descriptive metadata, when changing from type to type the form never appears again #1243
  • PDF viewer does not use the full window height #1241
  • Error when registering error transforming lites into objects #1236
  • Avoid duplicates when running plugin via filter in large scale #1235
  • Error executing tasks defined via index filter when the task alters the result of the search #1232
  • Simultaneous SIP updates #1231
  • Wrong defaults for LDAP properties #1230
  • Advanced search by date interval without latest that gives NPE #1229
  • Change RI extra bundle permission to read instead of manage #1221
  • RI relation count translation is not considering Representation and Files #1220
  • RI relation count (on bottom) is counting non-active #1219
  • Descriptive metadata form with separators gives NPE on clicking raw XML button #1215
  • Ingest > Process > List Created Packages stopped working #1213
  • File notification fails to index because recipientUsers is a required field #1210
  • CAS API Authentication Filter does not generate user #1209
  • Wrong date on Representation Information default corpora #1204
  • When using CAS, with register active=false, a successful auth shows page with error 500 #1199
  • When viewing a Representation Information & clicking in one tag, the sidebar does not go to the top #1197
  • Double URL encoding on login redirection #1194
  • Error transforming preservation event details into HTML #1192
  • Links at the bottom of Representation Information pages don't scroll the page to the top, leaving the user with the impression that the link did not work #1191
  • Problems on Internet Explorer 11 on Windows #1189
  • Representation information edit association dialog gets off center after doing a search #1187
  • When seeing one representation information & clicking in one tag, the search does nothing #1186
  • Representation information network has a cancel button that makes no sense #1185
  • When exporting AIPs (using AIP batch export plugin) trash & history folders are created #1181
  • Back button on AIP permissions is not working #1179
  • When we try erase all the RI records, the process fails but then the entire thing becomes unstable #1176
  • Associations to RI from file technical atributes is not working. The association doesn't stick #1175
  • RI: wrong title on association popup and list of records now showing everything I have. #1172
  • When we click the links on the theme, and the supporting text is in markdown the page is loaded but not positioned on top #1167
  • The color of the standard login help popup should be white #1166
  • Date range search filters on the interface don't cope with different time zones #1159
  • Error while saving representation information #1156
  • When in an AIP, and trying to start a new job, the cancel button does nothing #1155
  • RI edit associations search preview is making AND search instead of OR #1152
  • Sometimes zookeeper fails and ingest job (& generally speaking RODA) does not handle properly the failure #1132
  • When integrated with CAS there is no sign-in log #1130
  • Format register search is not working #1129
  • There is a slight misalignment in the add button #1127
  • The X button is not working on RI #1119
  • Error on job cleanup in RODA initialization after forced crash #1102
  • GWT error when closing edit association pop-up #1101
  • Link to developers guide on RODA demo footer is broken #1100
  • Advanced search: combo appears on the wrong place #1096
  • RI additional info window is too big and jumps around when we try to move it #1085
  • The associations to AIP panel is highly incomplete #1083
  • Broken layout on RI editor #1081
  • Relations from RI to RI still has the MOVE TO ROOT button enabled #1080
  • The date popup that appears on the EAD 2002 editor for the field "Date of creation or revision"/processDates appears way up on the UI (out of the screen). #1072
  • When using the UI to create representations and upload files the clip icon is not displayed #1057
  • Incomplete tooltip #1051
  • Add translation on CSV when downloading it via statistics page #1048
  • In browse, when looking an item with without siblings, it does not show Search options on sidebar #1043
  • Sub-levels are not shown when browsing through catalogue with a facet selected #1042
  • "Move orphan(s) to a parent node (1.0)" plugin reporting is wrong #1040
  • Encoding problem #1039
  • "AIP ancestor hierarchy fix (1.0)" fails with no logs #1037
  • Moving a transferred resource with a long path makes an error #1035
  • SIP update should try to find only active AIPs #1034
  • The EAD visualisation XSLT has problems in groups, mappings and translations #1027
  • Moving too many transferred resources gives an error #993
  • EARKSIPPluginsTest.testIngestAncestors() is throwing an unexpected error #853
  • A specific plugin execution thrown an exception yet job have completed with success #837
  • Error downloading PREMIS on demo server #833
  • PDF to PDFA conversion plugin reporting is not well #619

v2.2.13 (25/10/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.13


  • Add support for CORS #1382

v2.2.12 (11/10/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.12


  • Add support for jsonp requests in IndexResource#list #1375

v2.2.11 (27/09/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.11

Bug Fixes:

  • CAS API auth allows incoherent state in basic auth fallback #1349

v2.2.10 (03/07/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.10

Run locally for demonstration:

docker run -p 8080:8080 keeps/roda:v2.2.10

Open browser on "http://localhost:8080"

  • username: admin
  • password: roda


  • Support CAS single sign out #1250

Bug Fixes:

  • Unauthenticated API requests are not working #1265
  • Wrong icon when viewing a file #1253

v2.2.9 (13/06/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.9

Bug Fixes:

  • Unauthenticated users should have the same permissions as the user 'guest' #1249

v2.2.8 (30/05/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.8


  • Implement retries and metrics when using iterable index results #1242

v2.2.7 (30/05/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.7


  • Improvement on 2.2.6 release security fix by allowing symbolic links on theme path

v2.2.6 (29/05/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.6

SECURITY FIX (update immediately!):

  • Fixing path transversal vulnerability in theme REST API resource

v2.2.5 (23/05/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.5


  • On SIP update add new SIP ids to the AIP #1183
  • Parsing transferred resource date warning #1211

Bug Fixes:

  • Avoid duplicates when running plugin via filter in large scale #1235

v2.2.4 (18/05/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.4

New features:

  • Index representation metadata #621

Bug Fixes:

  • Error executing tasks defined via index filter when the task alters the result of the search #1232
  • Advanced search by date interval without latest that gives NPE #1229

v2.2.3 (10/05/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.3


  • Missing CSS classes in several sidebar components necessary for customization #1228

Bug Fixes:

  • RI relation count (on bottom) is counting non-active #1219
  • RI relation count translation is not considering Representation and Files #1220
  • Change RI extra bundle permission to read instead of manage #1221

v2.2.2 (30/04/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.2

Bug Fixes:

  • Descriptive metadata form with separators gives NPE on clicking raw XML button #1215
  • Ingest > Process > List Created Packages stopped working #1213
  • File notification fails to index because recipientUsers is a required field #1210

v2.2.1 (24/04/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.1


  • RI search by tags show no feedback #1202
  • An external link in RI should be opened in another window #1201

Bug Fixes:

  • CAS API Authentication Filter does not generate user #1209

v2.2.0 (13/04/2018)

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:v2.2.0

New features:

  • Representation Information (RI) #331
  • Downloading a RI record (XML) #1177
  • Obtain last report using transferred resource filename #1076
  • Log sign-off events #1028
  • Dynamic relationships between AIPs/representation/files and Representation information #343


  • Date (with or without time) should be presented always in the same format #1198
  • Remove export button from edit association when seeing one representation information #1188
  • Representation Information list tag design layout #1178
  • Metadata field DC type should be mapped into RODA Level during indexing #1174
  • Add pre-wrap to representation information long text values when viewing and increase height when editing. #1168
  • Changing administrators permissions blocking should be properly handled #1165
  • In the user group facet, show full name instead of identifier #1164
  • When we move an AIP using the sidebar button on the right, it should say which AIP we are moving for safe checking. #1163
  • It should be possible to search by content in the event register #1161
  • Reconfigure logback to use RollingFileAppender instead of FileAppender #1160
  • Representation list file count does not distinguish folders from files #1158
  • Use ReturnWithExceptions logic on SolrUtils functions #1154
  • RODA core could generated plugin information in markdown format #1151
  • Change rep. information (i) color to be fixed blue color #1148
  • IncrementalList enhancements #1147
  • Improvements on representation information association #1146
  • When changing only Rich Text Area content, save does not work #1145
  • Rep. Information - Associate to existing #1143
  • When selecting the AIP to create a relation with (from RI) the AIP title is not shown if the AIP has no title. #1128
  • Adding new categories and then editing them makes the component show the first field empty #1125
  • Support HTML rich text area on RI editor #1124
  • Review format.json conversion script #1123
  • Add columns to RI list #1122
  • Review PT translations of RI labels #1120
  • Job async cleanup #1117
  • Add a section about Representation Information to the overview document (at the end) #1114
  • Change RI Association page subtitle #1113
  • Preview results when associating RI #1112
  • Change link behaviour in show/edit representation information #1111
  • Change IncrementalList #1110
  • Change edit associations dialog #1109
  • Intellectual Entity remove dialog text is not clear enough #1106
  • Default title when creating representation information #1099
  • Change menu item "Representation information registry" to "Representation network" #1090
  • Create help texts for the RI relations popup #1086
  • Text boxes should be white on RI panel and combos blue #1084
  • Representation information families #1079
  • Define relation types for Representation Information and Intellectual entities #1078
  • Define risk to create when AIP only have non supported representation information #1077
  • Define Representation Information Pop-ups descriptions #1074
  • The key optionsLabelI18nKeyPrefix='otherlevel' is not translated into Portuguese on the default RODA config #1071
  • Make sure these keys exist in all languages #1068
  • There are templates and XSLTs called "EAD". Is this obsolete? #1065
  • When we hit save on the descriptive metadata editor, the cursor should be placed on the top so that we can read the error messages #1064
  • Update table to display the representation "Status" instead of "Original" which is obsolete #1059
  • Update translation Change States > Change Status #1058
  • Changing the TYPE of an AIP should have the same behaviour as changing the TYPE of a representation #1056
  • Break lines on the visualisation XSLT are not being preserved #1055
  • Define risk when representation information is missing #1054
  • Review links on the footer of the demo. Some are wrong, others are broken #1053
  • Review preservation events based on the new PREMIS vocabulary #1046
  • Docker build running user and volume permissions #857
  • Review default corpora #781

Bug Fixes:

  • When viewing a Representation Information & clicking in one tag, the sidebar does not go to the top #1197
  • Error transforming preservation event details into HTML #1192
  • Links at the bottom of Representation Information pages don't scroll the page to the top, leaving the user with the impression that the link did not work #1191
  • Problems on Internet Explorer 11 on Windows #1189
  • Representation information edit association dialog gets off center after doing a search #1187
  • When seeing one representation information & clicking in one tag, the search does nothing #1186
  • Representation information network has a cancel button that makes no sense #1185
  • When exporting AIPs (using AIP batch export plugin) trash & history folders are created #1181
  • Back button on AIP permissions is not working #1179
  • When we try erase all the RI records, the process fails but then the entire thing becomes unstable #1176
  • Associations to RI from file technical atributes is not working. The association doesn't stick #1175
  • RI: wrong title on association popup and list of records now showing everything I have. #1172
  • When we click the links on the theme, and the supporting text is in markdown the page is loaded but not positioned on top #1167
  • The color of the standard login help popup should be white #1166
  • Date range search filters on the interface don't cope with different time zones #1159
  • Error while saving representation information #1156
  • When in an AIP, and trying to start a new job, the cancel button does nothing #1155
  • RI edit associations search preview is making AND search instead of OR #1152
  • Sometimes zookeeper fails and ingest job (& generally speaking RODA) does not handle properly the failure #1132
  • When integrated with CAS there is no sign-in log #1130
  • Format register search is not working #1129
  • There is a slight misalignment in the add button #1127
  • The X button is not working on RI #1119
  • Error on job cleanup in RODA initialization after forced crash #1102
  • GWT error when closing edit association pop-up #1101
  • Link to developers guide on RODA demo footer is broken #1100
  • Advanced search: combo appears on the wrong place #1096
  • RI additional info window is too big and jumps around when we try to move it #1085
  • The associations to AIP panel is highly incomplete #1083
  • Broken layout on RI editor #1081
  • Relations from RI to RI still has the MOVE TO ROOT button enabled #1080
  • The date popup that appears on the EAD 2002 editor for the field "Date of creation or revision"/processDates appears way up on the UI (out of the screen). #1072
  • When using the UI to create representations and upload files the clip icon is not displayed #1057
  • The EAD visualisation XSLT has problems in groups, mappings and translations #1027
  • EARKSIPPluginsTest.testIngestAncestors() is throwing an unexpected error #853
  • Error downloading PREMIS on demo server #833
  • PDF to PDFA conversion plugin reporting is not well #619

2.1.0 (20/09/2017)

New features:

  • Representation created and updated date
  • Representation type editor has controlled vocabulary with open other
  • Add a new option to the ingest workflow that specifies that a notification/email should only be sent if the ingest procedure is not 100% successful
  • Performance enhancements to SIP update ingestion
  • Disable showing all results when entering search #1029

Bug fixes:

  • Showing search descendants and in this package buttons when item has no siblings #1043
  • Sub-levels are not shown when browsing through catalogue with a facet selected #1042
  • Moving a transferred resource with a long path makes an error #1035


  • Add translation on CSV when downloading it via statistics page #1048

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:2.1.0

2.0.1 (14/07/2017)

Bug fixes:

  • Disable showing all results when entering search #1029
  • Limit result size of CSV export on WUI #1030

New features:

  • Added button to ingest plugin to only send notification when errors occurs on ingest

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:2.0.1

Check instructions for production-level install.

Version 2.0.0 (final) (02/06/2017)

Final version of RODA 2.0.0 that marks a complete overhaul of the system:

  • Performance greatly improved with a more monolithic design
  • New design is cleaner and easier to use
  • Customizable descriptive metadata
  • New storage system that keeps files directly on storage using standards
  • Apache Solr for indexing all information and keep access fast and scalable
  • for orchestrating all ingest, preservation and internal actions
  • Easy deployment using docker containers
  • And much more

Install for demonstration:

docker pull keeps/roda:2.0.0

Check instructions for production-level install.

RODA v1.3.0 (26/05/2015)

RODA version 1.3.0, codename Huron

New features:

  • Using CAS (Central Authentication Service) as the authentication mechanism
  • Added extended version FITS to the ingest with support for technical metadata extraction of several new metadata types
  • Added support for customized description level, defined in a properties file


  • EAD-C used by RODA is now compliant with the original EAD Component

Bug fixes:

  • Installation scripts (e.g. specified Tomcat was no longer available for download)

RODA v1.1.0 (01/11/2013)

RODA version 1.1.0, codename Superior

New features:

  • RODA was released to GitHub
  • RODA was completly mavenized (installer creation included, using the maven profile "create-installer")
  • RODA now running on Apache Tomcat
  • Added new instalation process
  • Added support for Ubuntu Linux 12.04 LTS (supported until April 2017)

Bug fixes

  • Scheduler was storing dates incorrectly
  • String formater was used in some parts of the code to build SQL statements and proved to be a problem with different locales (when different characters are used as separator for floating point values)
  • Revised footer logos (roda-wui)

RODA v1.2.0 (01/11/2013)

RODA version 1.2.0, codename Victoria.

New features:

  • Using Droid for file format identification
  • Added support for presentations: Microsoft Powerpoint (ppt, pptx), OpenOffice Presentation / LibreOffice Impress (odp)
  • Added suport for spreadsheets: Microsoft Excel (xls, xlsx), OpenOffice Spreadsheet / LibreOffice Calc (ods)
  • Added support for email (.eml) but conversion is not yet supported
  • Added web service to download AIP
  • Added web service to download DIP

Bug fixes:

  • Validation of SIP XML was not being properly done
  • Fixed visualization of preservation metadata in roda-wui when system locale was not in English
  • Fixed roda-in representation type selector in some Java versions