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1.7.0 Test Plan

Kevin O'Gorman edited this page Jan 20, 2021 · 18 revisions

QA plan

  • NUC5s
  • NUC7s
  • Mac Minis
  • 1U test servers

1.7.0 QA Checklist

For both upgrades and fresh installs, here is a list of functionality that requires testing. You can use this for copy/pasting into your QA report.

If you have submitted a QA report already for a 1.7.0 release candidate with successful basic server testing and application acceptance testing sections, then you can skip these sections in subsequent reports, unless otherwise indicated by the Release Manager. This is to ensure that you focus your QA effort on the 1.7.0-specific changes as well as changes since the previous release candidate.


  • Install target:
  • Tails version:
  • Test Scenario:
  • SSH over Tor:
  • Onion service version:
  • Release candidate:
  • General notes: During fresh installs, attempt to select zh_Hans as a language choice.

Basic Server Testing

  • I can access both the source and journalist interfaces
  • I can SSH into both machines over Tor
  • AppArmor is loaded on app
    • 0 processes are running unconfined
  • AppArmor is loaded on mon
    • 0 processes are running unconfined
  • Both servers are running grsec kernels
  • iptables rules loaded
  • OSSEC emails begin to flow after install
  • OSSEC emails are decrypted to correct key and I am able to decrypt them
  • After installing the testinfra dependencies, all tests in ./securedrop-admin verify are passing:
    • Install dependencies on Admin Workstation with cd ~/Persistent/securedrop && ./securedrop-admin setup -t
    • Run tests with ./securedrop-admin verify (this will take a while)
    • Remove test dependencies: rm -rf admin/.venv3/ && ./securedrop-admin setup
  • QA Matrix checks pass

Command Line User Generation

  • Can successfully add admin user and login


  • I have backed up and successfully restored the app server following the backup documentation
  • If doing upgrade testing, make a backup on 1.6.0 and restore this backup on 1.7.0
  • "Send Test OSSEC Alert" button in the journalist triggers an OSSEC alert and an email is sent
  • Can successfully add journalist account with HOTP authentication

Application Acceptance Testing

Source Interface

Landing page base cases
  • JS warning bar does not appear when using Security Slider high
  • JS warning bar does appear when using Security Slider Low
First submission base cases
  • On generate page, refreshing codename produces a new 7-word codename
  • On submit page, empty submissions produce flashed message
  • On submit page, short message submitted successfully
  • On submit page, file greater than 500 MB produces "The connection was reset" in Tor Browser quickly before the entire file is uploaded
  • On submit page, file less than 500 MB submitted successfully
Returning source base cases
  • Nonexistent codename cannot log in
  • Empty codename cannot log in
  • Legitimate codename can log in
  • Returning user can view journalist replies - need to log into journalist interface to test

Journalist Interface

Login base cases
  • Can log in with 2FA tokens
  • incorrect password cannot log in
  • invalid 2fa token cannot log in
  • 2fa immediate reuse cannot log in
  • Journalist account with HOTP can log in
Index base cases
  • Filter by codename works
  • Starring and unstarring works
  • Click select all selects all submissions
  • Selecting all and clicking "Download" works
Individual source page
  • You can submit a reply and a flashed message and new row appears
  • You cannot submit an empty reply
  • Clicking "Delete Source And Submissions" and the source and docs are deleted
  • You can click on a document and successfully decrypt using application private key

Basic Tails Testing

After updating to this release candidate and running securedrop-admin tailsconfig

  • The Updater GUI appears on boot
  • Updating occurs without issue

1.7.0 release-specific changes

  • [RC3] v3 ssh migration bugfix #5718

    • given a v2 or v2+v3 initial config on a version less than 1.7.0-rc3, updating the workstation to 1.7.0-rc3 and migrating to v3 services results in only v3 ssh services being present on the app and mon servers. OR
    • a fresh install with only v3 services results in only v3 ssh services being present on the app and mon servers.
  • language support changes #5697

    • Simplified Chinese (zh_hans) is a listed option in language support in ./securedrop-admin sdconfig
    • When selected during installation, zh_Hans is listed as 中文 (简体) in the interfaces' language dropdown, and is selectable with pages then rendered in Simplified Chinese
    • With cleared browser data and the browser language set to traditional Chinese ("Chinese(Taiwan)") the interfaces are rendered in traditional Chinese by default
    • The Source Interface metadata endpoint lists zh_Hans when selected during installation
  • TOTP secret style has been changed to match screenshot in PR #5574

  • v3 banner notification changes #5679

    • With v2 and v3 services both enabled, a red banner is displayed on Journalist Interface pages after login, with a message starting with "Complete the v3 Onion Services setup".
    • With only v2 services enabled, a red banner is displayed on Journalist Interface pages after login, with a message starting with "Set up v3 Onion Services before April 30".
    • With only v3 services enabled, no red banner is displayed on Journalist Interface pages after login.
    • No red banner is displayed on the login page in any of the 3 above cases
  • Added error handling for missing file deletions #5549

    • Log in to the Source Interface and submit 3 or more messages as a single source
    • Log in to the Journalist Interface and reply to the source from the previous step
    • log in to the application server, find the source's submission files under `/var/lib/securedrop/store, and delete the reply file and one of the submissions
    • in the Journalist Interface on the source's collection page, select the reply, the deleted message, and one other message, and delete the messages via Delete Selected
    • Deletion completes without error and all 3 rows are removed
    • on the Application server, errors are logged relating to the missing files in /var/log/apache2/journalist-error.log
    • in the Journalist Interface on the source's collection page, delete the source via *Delete Source and Submissions
    • the source collection is deleted and the source is no longer listed on the Journalist Interface
    • the source submissions directory is removed from /var/lib/securedrop/store
  • Added error handling for missing file downloads #5573

    • Log in to the Source Interface and submit two messages
    • Log in to the Application Server and delete the first submission file from the source's directory under /var/lib/securedrop/store
    • Log into the Journalist Interface
    • When the source's 2 unread button is clicked:
      • a flash error message is displayed and the number of unread messages is still 2
    • When the source's checkbox is selected and Download Unread clicked:
      • a flash error message is displayed and the number of unread messages is still 2
    • When the source's checkbox is selected and Download clicked:
      • a flash error message is displayed and the number of unread messages is still 2
    • Click through to the source's collection page:
    • When Select All and Download Selected are clicked:
      • A flash error message is displayed and the missing message's status remains unread
    • When the missing message is clicked:
      • A flash error message is displayed and the missing message's status remains unread
  • Show session expiry message only for users that have generated a codename #5582

    • Log in to the application server and update the value of SESSION_EXPIRATION_MINUTES from 120 to 2 in /var/www/securedrop/, then restart Apache with sudo systemctl restart apache2
    • Visit the Source interface index page, and wait for slightly more than 2 minutes. Reload the index page, and verify that no session expiry error message is displayed.
    • Click the New Identity icon in the Tor Browser to clear current browser data and visit the Source Interface again. Click Get Started, wait slightly over 2 minutes after the codename generation page is displayed, then visit the Source Interface index page again. Verify that no session expiry error message is displayed.
    • Click the New Identity icon in the Tor Browser to clear current browser data and visit the Source Interface again. Click Get Started and then SUBMIT DOCUMENTS. Wait just over 2 minutes, reload the page, and verify that the index page is rendered instead of /lookup with a session expiry error message displayed.
  • Add functionality to set organization name #5629

    • Log in to the Journalist Interface with an admin account and navigate to the Instance Config page
    • Set the Organization Name to a string with less than 75 chars
      • The organization name is used in page titles and logo alt texts on the Source And Journalist Interfaces
    • Set the Organization Name to a string with less than 75 chars including HTML formatting
      • The organization name is used in page titles and logo alt texts on the Source And Journalist Interfaces with HTML formatting escaped.
    • Set the Organization Name to a string with more than 75 chars
      • An error message is flashed and the organization name is not updated
    • Set the Organization Name to a blank value
      • An error message is flashed and the organization name is not updated
  • Visit Source Interface on the latest Tor Browser on MacOS and verify that the TBB warning notice is not displayed #5647

  • Reset journalist passwords without errors #5618

    • Log in to the Journalist Interface with a journalist account
    • Log out, then log in again with an admin account and edit the previous account
      • The journalist account's password can be reset repeatedly without errors
  • Update references to submission key on Source Interface #5651

    • Log in to the Source Interface and verify that the "public key" link points to /public-key and that /public-key is functional, downloading the Subbmission Public Key
    • Verify that the "learn more" link points to /why-public-key, and that /why-public-key is functional
    • Verify that the download link on /why-public-key points to /public-key
    • Verify that navigating to /journalist-key redirects to /public-key
  • Update navigation "Back" link icons on web interfaces #5641

    • PNG < icon replaces « on /why-public-key on Source Interface
    • PNG < icon replaces « on Add User page on Admin Interface
    • PNG < icon replaces « on Edit User page on Admin Interface
    • PNG < icon replaces « on Instance Config page on Admin Interface
  • Verify that an OSSEC alert is sent on a daily schedule if v2 onion services are enabled #5682

  • Verify that directory permissions are set to 700 on /var/ossec/.gnupg and to 600 on its files on the Monitor Server #5330

  • Verify that Tor is updated to v0.4.4.6 on the Application and Monitor Servers #5648

  • Verify that cryptography is updated to v3.2.1 in the securedrop-app-code virtual environment on the Application Server #5612


  • Ensure the builder image is up-to-date on release day

These tests should be performed the day of release prior to live debian packages on

Basic testing

  • Install or upgrade occurs without error
  • Source interface is available and version string indicates it is 1.7.0
  • A message can be successfully submitted


  • The updater GUI appears on boot
  • The update successfully occurs to 1.7.0
  • After reboot, updater GUI no longer appears
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