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3rd Party Octopress Themes

Stephen Coogan edited this page Oct 1, 2019 · 112 revisions

Many of these can be installed with the following commands:

$ cd octopress
$ git submodule add GIT_URL .themes/THEME_NAME
$ rake install['THEME_NAME']
$ rake generate

NOTE: some shells require you to escape brackets. (You can tell by the error "no matches found".) You command would look like: rake install\['THEME_NAME'\]

Octopress Themes - A gallery of additional themes, free and premium

Please help out by:

  • Including links to the repo source and a demo/screenshot
  • Adding additional themes, in alphabetical order
Theme Preview Notes
Abacus Preview A best of everything theme. Simple and beautiful
BlogTheme Preview Minimal and responsive
Bold-and-Blue -- Bold. Blue. Minimal.
bootstrap-theme -- Another Twitter Bootstrap-based theme
calm-shallow-sea -- Simple, responsive theme.
casper, for octopress Screenshot An octopress port of Ghost's Casper theme.
classic-martinb Screenshot A less cluttered version of the classic theme.
CleanPress Preview An Elegant, clean, white theme forked from the OctoPress Slash Theme
CleanerPress Preview A fork of CleanPress that looks a bit more like the Slash Theme. All scripts removed.
compbits -- Chinese
DarkStripes Preview No longer maintained
default Preview Very simple, pure and responsive theme
DotMin Preview Minimal, responsive, animation sidebar
Dropbot Preview, Screenshot Traditional Chinese
EMD-Theme Preview EMD Theme is a 'inspired by Medium' theme for Octopress
Fabric Preview Minimal, Responsive, Ajaxified page navigation and uses tapirgo search
Flatten Preview Flatten is a flat and simple theme for Octopress
FoxSlide Preview Incorporates Bootstrap, html5 Boilerplate, with SEO considerations and a powerful slid-over hero
GreenPress Preview Inspired by CleanerPress and Atom Blog.
Greyjoy Preview minimalistic theme, single column
Greyshade Preview Minimal and responsive
HPSTR Preview 1, Preview 2 Modern, snappy, no fuss theme with gorgeous hero images, based on the Jekyll theme by mmistakes
ji-octopress-theme Preview --
Jin Preview Responsive, clean and elegant
justin-kelly Preview Jonathan Wallace git repo of the Justin Kelly theme
k-ui-octopress-theme Preview Japanese
Königspress Preview Elegant and visually well-suited for longer texts; minimal, centered, single-column, typography-oriented.
LeanPress Preview Minimal, single column, responsive
libingcun-octopress-theme Preview Chinese
LinkedList Preview LinkedList is a simple theme for Octopress based on ji-octopress-theme
Mangan Preview Theme for GEEK! Mangan is funny in code and webview!
mathy Screenshots Minimalist theme with MathJax support
MediumFox Preview Focused, clean, and unique theme inspired by work like Medium and FoxSlide. Powered by the latest Bootstrap version and well-documented to make customization a breeze.
minimalist Preview minimalist theme
minimized Screenshots Another minimal white theme
Mjolvim Preview Simple, Minimal, Beautiful theme
mnml Preview Yet another minimal theme based on whiterspace.
mnmlpress Preview minimal, flat UI color, single column.
noLogo Screenshots minimalist, responsive
object-octopress-theme Preview Chinese
oct2 Preview --
oct2-orange Screenshot --
octoair Preview A fork of the great looking Octostrap3 -- Simple
Octoflat Preview A theme using Twitter Bootstrap and Designmodo's Flat-UI theme
octoflow Preview minimalist/responsive with some basic animation (hit 'change' in footer to see default color pattern)
OctoFound Preview responsive & highly customizable Foundation 5 theme
octogray Preview Gray calm theme. Attached setup script helps you to setup with some 3rd party plugins
octollax Screenshot Octopress Theme with a dab of parallax
Octoplate Screenshots Based on Twitter Bootstrap 3, Responsive, Easily Customizable
octopress-bootstrap Preview Based on Twitter Bootstrap
octopress-design Preview 1, Preview 2 --
OctopressFlat Preview Theme inspired by "flat" UI
Octostrap3 Preview Twitter Bootstrap 3 Octopress theme, Flexible, Responsive
Oscailte Preview A light, clean, and powerful responsive theme.
pageturner Preview minimal theme relying mostly on typography
phase Screenshot --
PinkCanoe Preview An Elegant, clean, white theme forked from the OctoPress CleanPress Theme
readify Preview A clean and responsive theme focused on readability
respectMattt Preview Inspired by the mattt
Reynard Preview A fork of the great looking FoxSlide -- this theme introduces a navbar, and a fresh new greyscale look
simple Preview Simple, fresh, Minimal
Simplified Preview Beautiful syntax highlight
slash Preview --
slimpress Preview A minimal theme for text, heavy on whitespace. Responsive design.
SmallFox Preview A fork of the beautiful MediumFox
SoFreshAndSoGreen Preview Minimal, but oh so fresh and green.
solarized Screenshots: dark, light --
typo Preview Minimal with a focus on copy and images
villainy Screenshot --
WhiteLake Preview Octopress theme derived from Wordpress' Twenty Twelve
whiterspace Preview, Screenshot Another minimal theme. Based on Whitespace
Whitespace Preview 1, Preview 2 Minimal white theme
YinYang Preview YinYang (陰陽) is a minimal, responsive theme for Octopress. Based on Greyshade
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