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James Cobban edited this page Sep 14, 2023 · 7 revisions


Up: class Citation

This gets the current value of the identified field. It has one parameter:

parameter description
$field The field name is case insensitive and may be a synonym defined by the class Citation to facilitate readability. The field name may also be a temporary field defined by assigning a value to it by the method $citation->set. This method creates a trace entry if the field name does not correspond to any field in the record and debugging is enabled.

It overloads the base implementation as described by the class Citation description.

    $value         = $citation->get($field);          // raw access
    $value         = $citation[$field];               // synonym

This method returns the current value of the field. This method returns null if the field name does not correspond to any field in the record, and generates a warning message.

There are several methods which exist to access specific fields within the record:

method equivalent to notes
$cit->getIdsx() $cit->get('idsx')
$cit->getIdsxr() $cit->get('idsr')
$cit->getIdime() $cit->get('idime')
$cit->getCitType() $cit->get('type') $citation->getCitTypeText()
$cit->getDetail() $cit->get('srcdetail') returns empty string in place of null
$cit->getPage() $cit->get('srcdetail') returns empty string in place of null
$cit->getDetailText() $cit->get('srcdettext') returns empty string in place of null
$cit->getDetailNote() $cit->get('srcdetnote') returns empty string in place of null
$cit->getOrder() $cit->get('order') returns 0 in place of null
$cit->getSurety() $cit->get('srcsurety') returns Citation::SURETY_ALMOSTCERTAIN in place of null

Next: $cit->getIdsx()

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