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FamilyTree editName.php

James Cobban edited this page Dec 28, 2020 · 2 revisions

Up: Family Tree Implementation

Source Code

This script displays a web page for editting one alternate name for an individual from the Legacy database which is represented by an instance of class Name. When invoked by method='get' it supports the following parameters.

parameter description
idnx Unique numeric identifier of the instance of class Name
givenname When creating a new instance of class Name the initial value of the given name of the Person
surname When creating a new instance of class Name the initial value of the surname of the Person
treename the name of the Family Tree that this Name belongs to.
formname if this is invoked from another application the name of the form in the invoking page that is to be updated with the changed values when the user saves the Name to the database.
lang the requested language of communication as a BCP 47 identifier. ]

The user may alter the attributes of the name and submit the request to update the database.

To see an example of this page in action go to the demonstration site.

Next: editParents.js

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