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FamilyTree Address.php

James Cobban edited this page Mar 28, 2020 · 1 revision

Up: Family Tree Implementation

Source Code

This script displays the main page for viewing a set of Address. When invoked by method='get' it supports the following parameters.

parameter description
idar Unique numeric identifier of the address. For backwards compatibility this can be specified using the 'id' parameter. If this is 0 it is a request to create a new address record.
kind 0 for mailing address, 1 for event address, 2 for repository address
name name of the address
given givenname of the individual for whoma mailing address is to be created if idar=0 and kind=0
surname surname of Person for whoma mailing adddess is to be created if idar=0 and kind=0
formname if this is invoked from another application the name of the form containing an <input id="idar"> that is to be updated with the IDAR of the newly created addressif idar=0 and kind=0
lang the requested language of communication as a BCP 47 identifier. ]

The user may alter the search parameters and resubmit the request which is then passed to the script using method=post.

To see an example of this page in action go to the demonstration site.

Next: Addresses.js

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