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class Participant

James Cobban edited this page Jan 11, 2021 · 2 revisions

Up: Object-Oriented Access to Database Records

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This class is derived from Record to implement the logical interface to a record in the Participants table. Each entry in this table associates an instance of class Person with a particular event, usually represented by an instance of class Event, and a role in that event. This is to identify individuals who participated in an event but who are not principles in the event.


This record presents the following fields:

Page description synonyms
'idpr' This is a unique identifier of the record, used primarily to permit deletion 'id'
'idime' numeric identifier of the record containing the description of the event 'ider'
'idir' numeric identifier of an instance of Person that is a participant in the event
'role' The role of the participant expressed as the English language identification of the role. For example 'Witness', or 'Minister', or 'Accoucheur'.
'type' Specifies what kind of record IDIME points to and the type of event within that record if the record documents multiple events. This is a numeric value of a constant Participant::PTYPE_...

The following numeric constants identify the types of events and where the details are located within the record identified by IDIME.

Name Expected participant roles
Facts where IDIME points to an Person Record in tblIR.
PTYPE_BIRTH 'Midwife', 'Accoucheur', or 'Physician'
PTYPE_CHRISTEN 'Minister', 'Godmother', 'Godfather'
PTYPE_DEATH 'Physician', 'Assassin'
PTYPE_LDSB LDS Baptism 'officiant'
PTYPE_LDSE LDS Endowment 'officiant'
PTYPE_LDSC LDS Confirmation 'officiant'
PTYPE_LDSI LDS Initiatory 'officiant'
Facts where IDIME points to Child Record tblCR.IDCR
PTYPE_LDSP LDS Sealed to Parents 'officiant'
Facts where IDIME points to Marriage Record tblMR.idmr
PTYPE_LDSS LDS Sealed to Spouse 'officiant'
PTYPE_MAR 'Minister', 'Witness'
Facts where IDIME points to Event Record tblER.ider
PTYPE_EVENT Individual Event

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