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new MethodistBaptismSet

James Cobban edited this page Jan 27, 2020 · 2 revisions

new MethodistBaptismSet($parms)

Up: class MethodistBaptismSet

The constructor for an instance of MethodistBaptismSet takes one parameter:

parameter description
$parms identifies the database records to be associated with this instance. This is an array.

$parms may be:

  • An associative array of fieldname => value pairs to define the subset of the records in the SQL table that are represented by this instance. The parameters 'offset', 'limit', 'groupby',and 'order' are reserved to set the OFFSET, LIMIT, GROUP BY and ORDER BY clauses.
  • The parameter can also be an array of instances of the class MethodistBaptism to be converted into a RecordSet.
  • If this parameter is omitted, or null, the object is empty. That is $baptismset->count() is zero.
name description interpretation
'idmb' idmb exact match
'volume' volume exact match
'page' page exact match
'district' district or county regular expression pattern match
'area' area or township regular expression pattern match
'givenname' given names regular expression pattern match
'surname' surname regular expression pattern match
'father' father's name regular expression pattern match
'mother' mother's name regular expression pattern match
'residence' residence of parents regular expression pattern match
'birthplace' birth place regular expression pattern match
'birthdate' birth date regular expression pattern match
'baptismdate' baptism date regular expression pattern match
'baptismplace' baptism place regular expression pattern match
'minister' minister's name regular expression pattern match
'idir' link to family tree exact match

The constructor throws an exception or adds error messages to $record->msg if it is unable to complete due to bad parameters.


$baptismParms	        = array(‘volume'     => 2);
$baptisms		= new MethodistBaptismSet($getParms);

returns the set of instances of class MethodistBaptism which are recorded in volume 2.

Next: $baptismSet->getStatistics()

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