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class Census1831

James Cobban edited this page Jul 4, 2022 · 1 revision

class Census1831

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Source Code

This table is used to contain transcriptions of the population census of the 1831 census of Québec.

CREATE TABLE Census1831 (
    District            INTEGER NOT NULL,-- sequential number in alpha order by county name
    SubDistrict         INTEGER NOT NULL,-- sequential number within province
    Division            VARCHAR(4) DEFAULT "",-- enumeration division within city/town/township
    Page                INTEGER NOT NULL,-- sequential number within city/town/township [see PageDisp]
    Line                INTEGER NOT NULL,-- sequential number (1 to about 50)
    PRIMARY KEY (District, SubDistrict, Division, Page, Line),
    Maison              VARCHAR(32),    -- maisons ... (column 1)
    Surname             VARCHAR(32),    -- surname of individual (extracted from column 2)
    INDEX (Surname),
    SurnameSoundex      CHAR(4),        -- generated soundex code
    INDEX (SurnameSoundex),
    GivenNames          VARCHAR(48),    -- given names of individual (extracted from column 2)
    INDEX (GivenNames),
    Prop                CHAR(1),        -- owner of real property
    NonProp             CHAR(1),        -- not owner of property
    Occupation          VARCHAR(48),    -- occupation (column 5)
    INDEX (Occupation),
    TotalPersons        INT,            -- column 6
    Absent              INT,            -- column 7
    Moins6              INT,            -- column 8
    Entre6et14          INT,            -- column 9
    Males               INT,            -- column 10
    Females             INT,            -- column 11
    DeafDumb            INT,            -- column 12
    Blind               INT,            -- column 13
    Insane              INT,            -- column 14
    CofE                INT,            -- column 15
    CofS                INT,            -- column 16
    CofR                INT,            -- column 17
    Methodists          INT,            -- column 18
    PresbCong           INT,            -- column 19
    Baptists            INT,            -- column 20
    Jewish              INT,            -- column 21
    OtherFaiths         INT,            -- column 22
    Agriculturists      INT,            -- column 23
    Farmers             INT,            -- column 24
    Trade               INT,            -- column 25
    Charity             INT,            -- column 26
    ArpentsOcc          INT,            -- column 27
    ArpentsCult         INT,            -- column 28
    Harvest             INT,            -- column 29
    Tenure              VARCHAR(16),    -- column 30
    RentSeignorial      VARCHAR(16),    -- column 31
    RentCash            VARCHAR(16),    -- column 32
    Proportion          VARCHAR(16),    -- column 33
    Cattle              INT,            -- column 34
    Horses              INT,            -- column 35
    Sheep               INT,            -- column 36
    Pigs                INT,            -- column 37
    Academies           INT,            -- column 38
    ElementarySchools   INT,            -- column 39
    Scholars            INT,            -- column 40
    Inns                INT,            -- column 41
    LiquorStores        INT,            -- column 42
    GristMills          INT,            -- column 43
    SawMills            INT,            -- column 44
    OilMills            INT,            -- column 45
    FullingMills        INT,            -- column 46
    CardingMills        INT,            -- column 47
    IronFactories       INT,            -- column 48
    IronFoundries       INT,            -- column 49
    Distilleries        INT,            -- column 50
    PotashFactories     INT,            -- column 51
    OtherFactories      INT,            -- column 52
    WheatPrice          INT,            -- column 53
    FarmLaborWage       INT,            -- column 54
    DayLaborWage        INT,            -- column 55
    UKBySea             INT,            -- column 56
    UKByLand            INT,            -- column 57
    OtherSettlers       INT,            -- column 58
    ParishPop           INT,            -- column 59
    LieudeDepot         VARCHAR(32),    -- column 60
    Remarks             VARCHAR(255)    -- column 61

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