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FamilyTree editEvent.php

James Cobban edited this page Mar 1, 2021 · 4 revisions

Up: Family Tree Implementation

Source Code

This script displays a form for creating or modifying an instance of Event. It is invoked by method='get' it supports the following parameters.

parameter description
type a numeric type value as defined by class Citation constants starting with STYPE_. These constants identify the type of Record where the details of the event are kept and which specific field names within that record contain the values.
idcr Unique numeric identifier of an instance of Child if the type field indicates that the event information is contained within an instance of Child.
ider Unique numeric identifier of an instance of Event if the type field indicates that the event information is contained within an instance of Event. This is the preferred implementation, but backwards compatibility with Legacy Family Tree requires support of other locations.
idir Unique numeric identifier of an instance of Person if the type field indicates that the event information is contained within an instance of Person.
idmr Unique numeric identifier of an instance of Family if the type field indicates that the event information is contained within an instance of Family.
idnx Unique numeric identifier of an instance of Name if the type field indicates that the event information is contained within an instance of Name.
idtd Unique numeric identifier of an instance of ToDo if the type field indicates that the event information is contained within an instance of ToDo.
givenname explicitly supply given name of individual if the value in the associated record is not current.
surname explicitly supply family name of individual if the value in the associated record is not current.
date explicitly supply the date of the event if the value in the associated record is not current.
descn explicitly supply the description of the event if the value in the associated record is not current.
location explicitly supply the location of the event if the value in the associated record is not current.
notes explicitly supply the extended notes if the value in the associated record is not current.
rownum this is the value of the id= attribute of a tag, usually a <div>, in the page that opened this frame into which values which are altered on this form are passed back to the invoking frame.
lang the requested language of communication as a BCP 47 identifier. ]

The attribute rownum identifies an actual row in the invoking page. This script passes this identifier back to the dynamic code of the invoking script along with the changed values, so this script does not need to know how that row is laid out. See editIndivid.js and commonMarriage.js for examples of the invocation.

To see an example of this page in action go to the demonstration site.

Next: Addresses.js

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