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James Cobban edited this page May 31, 2021 · 3 revisions

$user->chkPassword($newpassword, $persist)

Up: class User

This determines whether the supplied password matches that for the User. It has two parameters:

parameter description
$newpassword The external user-entered password value as a string to check.
$persist If this is true then the request is for a user logging on to the site. This method generates a persistent session identifier which is used to avoid the user having to log on for each subsequent access. If it is false or omitted, or the $newpassword is invalid, the persistent session identifier is set to null.

The supplied password string is converted into a salted hash value and that value is compared to the field 'shapassword'. If the two hash values match this returns true, otherwise it returns false.

Next: $user->save($xml)

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