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new MarriageParticipant

James Cobban edited this page Dec 13, 2019 · 4 revisions

new MarriageParticipant($parms)

Up: class MarriageParticipant

The constructor for an instance of MarriageParticipant takes one parameter:

parameter description
$parms identifies the database record to be associated with this instance. This is an associative array.

$parms may be:

  • An associative array containing all of the fields in a record as obtained by a database SELECT.
  • array('regdomain' => $domain, 'regyear' => $year, 'regnum' => $number, 'role' => $letter) specifies the unique identification of the record in the table that is to be used to initialize the new instance.
  • array('regdomain' => $domain, 'regyear' => $year, 'originalvolume' => $volume, 'originalpage' => $page, 'originalitem' => $item, 'role' => $letter) specifies the unique identification of the record in terms of its location in the original hard-copy registry that is to be used to initialize the new instance.

Note that $domain may be either the unique character string identifier of an instance of class Domain or else an instance of class Domain

The constructor adds error messages to $record->msg if it is unable to complete due to bad parameters.

Next: $marriageParticipant->set($fieldname, $value)

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