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James Cobban edited this page May 20, 2021 · 3 revisions


Up: class CountyMarriage

This method returns the descriptive name of the CountyMarriage. This exists to extend Record::getName.

If a parameter is specified it is ignored.

The return value is a string containing the contents of the 'm_regdomain','m_volume','m_reportno','m_itemno','m_role' fields.

For example:

    $marriage           = new CountyMarriage(array('regdomain' => 'CAON',
                                                   'volume' => 36,
                                                   'reportno' => 109,
                                                   'itemno' => 3,
                                                   'role' => 'G')));
    print $marriage->getName() . "\n";

when used with the sample application database displays:

: 'm_regdomain'=CAON,'m_volume'=36,'m_reportno'=109,'m_itemno'=3,'m_role'=G

Next: $CountyMarriage->get($fieldname)

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