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FamilyTree getLocationXml.php

James Cobban edited this page Apr 26, 2020 · 2 revisions

Up: Family Tree Implementation

This script is invoked from JavaScript to search the database for instances of class Location that match a request. It returns an eXtensible Markup Language (XML) document containing the content of the matching objects.

Use of this script is deprecated in favor of FamilyTree getLocationJSON.php

This script is invoked with parameters which are use to restrict the response. If no parameters are specified it returns the first 40 entries in the table of Locations. Parameters (passed by method='GET'):

parameter description
'limit' specify the maximum number of records to return, default 40
'name' specifies to search for Locations whose location name starts with the specified string or whose short name is an exact match.
'idlr' identifies a specific instance of Location by its internal numeric key
'fsplaceid' LDS FamilySearch place id
'location' location name pattern. This is a regular expression. For example a simple string matches all Locations whose name contains the specified string.
'sortedlocation' pattern match to the sort key used when displaying a list of locations
'latitude' latitude
'longitude' longitude
'shortname' pattern match to the short name
'preposition' preposition used before the location. The empty string displays "at".
'notes' pattern match to notes
'zoom' map zoom level, an integer
'boundary' boundary, a comma list of longitude and latitude values

Next: FamilyTree getPersonSvg.php

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