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Releases: learningequality/kolibri


16 Apr 19:26
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  • Ubuntu 20.04 support for Linux installer

Changed or fixed

  • Fixed: In the Device Page, multiple bugs related to managing channels.
  • Fixed: Problems viewing African Storybook content on iPads running iOS 9.

Internationalization and localization

  • Added Italian

(0.13.2 Github milestone)


15 Feb 00:08
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  • Python version is shown on the 'Device > Info' page in the 'Advanced' section
  • Improved help information when running kolibri --help on the command line

Changed or fixed

  • Various layout and UX issues, especially some specific to IE11 and Firefox
  • 'Device > Info' page not accessible when logged in as a superuser
  • Channels unintentionally reordered on ‘Device > Channels’ when new content is imported
  • Video captions flashing in different languages when first opening a video
  • Changes to channels updated and republished in Studio not being immediately reflected in Kolibri
  • Occasional database blocking errors when importing large collections of content from external drives
  • Occasional database corruption due to connections not being closed after operations
  • Automatic data restoration for corrupted databases
  • Recreate cache.db files when starting the Kolibri server to remove database locks that may not have been cleanly removed in case of an abrupt shut-down.

(0.13.1 Github milestone)


05 Feb 22:09
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v0.12.10-beta3 Pre-release

Minor UI fixes.
Version bumped to beta3.


21 Dec 02:01
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  • Improved content management
    • Queues and task manager
    • Granular deletion
    • Improved channel updating
    • Disk usage reporting improvements
    • Auto-discovery of local Kolibri peers
  • Demographics collection and reporting
  • MacOS app
  • High-performance Kolibri Server package for Debian
  • Pre-built Raspberry Pi Kolibri image
  • Video transcripts
  • Downloadable and printable coach reports
  • New device settings
  • "Skip to content" keyboard link

Changed or fixed

  • Preserve 'unlisted' status on channels imported from token
  • Allow duplicate channel resources to be maintained independently
  • Auto-refresh learner assignemnt view
  • Unclean shutdowns on very large databases, due to prolonged database cleanup
  • Facility admin performance improvements
  • Jittering modal scrollbars
  • Updated side-bar styling
  • Improved form validation behavior
  • Improved learner quiz view
  • Improved keyboard accessibility


  • Command line interface kolibri language removed. Use kolibri manage provisiondevice instead.

(0.13.0 Github milestone)


19 Nov 21:34
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Changed or fixed

  • Database vacuum now works correctly
  • Fixes related to network detection
  • Improve performance of classroom API endpoint to prevent request timeouts


  • Improved error reporting in Windows

Internationalization and localization

  • Added Korean

(0.12.9 Github milestone)


14 Aug 23:50
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Changed or fixed

  • Fixed: users creating accounts for themselves not being placed in their selected facility
  • Fixed: images in Khan Academy exercises not appearing on occasion
  • Fixed: "Usage and Privacy" modal not closing when clicking the "Close" button

(0.12.8 Github milestone)


27 Jul 01:57
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(Note: 0.12.6 contained a regression and was superseded by 0.12.7)

Changed or fixed

  • Facility user table is now paginated to improve performance for facilities with large numbers of users.
  • Various usability and visual improvements, including improved layout when using an RTL language
  • On Windows, kolibri.exe is automatically added to the path in the command prompt
  • Improved system clean-up when uninstalling on Windows

Internationalization and localization

  • Added Latin American Spanish (ES-419)

(0.12.6 Github milestone, 0.12.7 Github milestone)


20 Jun 23:50
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  • Upgraded Morango to 0.4.6, fixing startup errors for some users.

View all 0.12.5 changes on Github


12 Jun 14:36
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Changed or fixed

  • EPUB documents with large tables are displayed in a single-column, scrollable format to improve their readability.
  • EPUB viewer now saves font and theme settings between sessions.
  • Quiz creation workflow only places unique questions in a quiz, removing duplicates that may appear in a topic tree.
  • Title and name headers are consistently accompanied by icons in Kolibri symbol system to help orient the user.


  • Device Settings Page - The default language can now be changed under Device > Settings. This is the language that will be used on browsers that have never opened Kolibri before (but can be changed after opening Kolibri using the language selector).
  • Coach Reports - Users can preview quizzes and lessons and edit their details from their associated report, without having to go to the "Plan" sub-page.
  • Added a kolibri manage deleteuser command to remove a user from a server, as well as all other servers synchronized with it.
  • Added a new theming system for customizing various colors that appear in Kolibri.

View all 0.12.4 changes on Github


17 May 02:32
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Changed or fixed

  • Improved handling of partially-download or otherwise corrupted content databases
  • Fixed regression where users could not change their passwords in the Profile page
  • Improved PostgreSQL support
  • Added fixes related to coach tools

See a full list of changes on Github