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Releases: lerna/lerna


24 Aug 06:39
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v2.1.0 (2017-08-24)

🚀 Enhancement

  • #922 Support --conventional-commits in fixed versioning mode. (@jezzay)
  • #960 Improve support for semver prerelease identifiers when publishing. (@shawnbot)

🐛 Bug Fix

📝 Documentation

  • #921 Fixed spelling mistake in a comment for Command.js. (@dlmr)
  • #978 Add root package.json and CI setup sections to FAQ. (@Andarist)
  • #981 Add troubleshooting info for GitHub lightweight tags. (@jezzay)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 11


06 Jul 17:11
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v2.0.0 (2017-07-06)

🎉 It's happening! 🎉

💥 Breaking Change

  • #904 Improved --canary functionality. (@Craga89)
    --canary now bumps the generated version to the next semver minor, and accepts a value (e.g. --canary=beta) to override the default "alpha" tag.

🚀 Enhancement

  • #899 Support Yarn workspaces to replace bootstrap command. (@bestander)
  • #834 Pass extra arguments to npmClient during bootstrap. (@xaka)
  • #873 Add root path dir environment variable to lerna run. (@yisraelx)
  • #822 Add --since flag to all commands that accept --scope. (@treshugart)
  • #806 Allow custom yarn mutex from lerna.json config. (@ChristopheVandePoel)
  • #868 lerna run: Don't error if no scoped packages are matched. (@ricky)
  • #835 Flag for exec to bail upon child execution error. (@rsolomon)

🐛 Bug Fix

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

Committers: 15


23 May 01:31
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v2.0.0-rc.5 (2017-05-22)

This is the last release candidate.

We need to fix #789 before we can release v2.0.0. All contributions are appreciated!

💥 Breaking Change

  • #807 Change exit codes for updated and publish. (@koddsson)

    It is now possible to run lerna publish in CI unconditionally, only publishing when changes are actually detected, and never failing when it decides to not publish anything.


    • lerna publish when there are no updates to publish would throw an error
    • lerna updated when there are no updates would exit 0, making it ineffective as a chained filter (e.g., lerna updated && lerna publish)


    • lerna publish when there are no updates is a no-op, exiting successfully with a helpful log message
    • lerna updated when there are no updates will exit non-zero (but not throw an error), enabling it to be an effective filter

🚀 Enhancement

  • #726 Add --only-updated option to exec and run subcommands. (@jameslnewell)

    When executing a script or command, only run the script or command on packages that have been updated since the last release. A package is considered "updated" using the same rules as lerna updated.

    lerna exec --only-updated -- ls -la
    lerna run --only-updated test
  • #795 Add --parallel flag to lerna exec. (@evocateur)

    With this flag, lerna exec will run the command in all filtered packages
    in parallel, completely ignoring concurrency and topological sorting.

    # transpile modules in all packages as changes occur
    lerna exec -- babel src -d lib -w
    # transpile watched modules only in package-foo
    lerna exec --scope package-foo -- babel src -d lib -w

    It is advised to constrain the scope of the command when running with this
    flag, as spawning dozens of subprocesses may be harmful to your shell's
    equanimity (or maximum file descriptor limit, for example). YMMV

  • #796 Add --parallel flag to lerna run. (@evocateur)

    This allows simpler invocation of watch scripts, with the caveat that concurrency and topological sorting are completely ignored. This is generally the intention when calling lerna run watch and other similar script targets, hence the additional flag.

    # the following commands are equivalent
    lerna run watch --concurrency=1000 --stream
    lerna run watch --parallel

    Package filtering (--scope and --ignore) is still available when this new flag is being used, and it is advised to narrow the scope of parallel execution when you have more than a dozen packages or so (YMMV).

  • #803 Skip git repo check by default in Commands which do not rely on git. (@noherczeg)

  • #824 Add json output to ls and updated commands. (@ricky)

    When run with --json, lerna updated and lerna ls will return an array of objects in the following format:

        "name": "package",
        "version": "1.0.0",
        "private": false
  • #829 Prefix piped streams with rotating colors. (@evocateur)

🐛 Bug Fix

🏠 Internal

Committers: 6


27 Apr 05:36
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v2.0.0-rc.4 (2017-04-27)

Now with fewer bugs! The --hoist flag works again, among other rc.3 bugfixes, and our logging is much more detailed now.

💥 Breaking Change

🚀 Enhancement

🐛 Bug Fix

💅 Polish

📝 Documentation

🏠 Internal

Committers: 3


18 Apr 17:28
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v2.0.0-rc.3 (2017-04-18)

Barring show-stopping bugs, our goal is to cut v2.0.0 later this week. Big props to all of our brave users riding the bleeding edge of release candidates and reporting issues!

🐛 Bug Fix

lerna bootstrap --npmClient=yarn should no longer require --concurrency=1 to avoid yarn cache race conditions.

If you've ever encountered the error Error: spawn rimraf ENOENT, this should fix that. Turns out yarn doesn't match a behavior of npm when installing, and does not symlink transitive dependency binaries.

🏠 Internal

Committers: 2


14 Apr 00:15
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v2.0.0-rc.2 (2017-04-13)

Inching ever closer to 🏁 v2.0.0!

Highlights: lerna exec learned some new tricks (thanks to execa), and multi-line commit messages on Windows should now work.

$ lerna exec echo \$LERNA_PACKAGE_NAME
# note the escaped $, so it evaluates in the subshell, not the current shell

Ever get tired of repeating yourself in all of the package deps with devDependencies on babel-cli or rimraf? Now, all you need to do is have them installed in the root, and the following replaces all that duplicate code:

$ lerna exec rimraf lib
$ lerna exec babel -- src -d lib

The -- is still useful for hiding args from lerna, but it isn't always necessary now.
In the example above, I had to hide the -d from lerna's arg parser, but positional arguments are just fine.
When in doubt, always append the command you want to run (e.g., babel src -d lib) after the --, after all other arguments to lerna exec.

🚀 Enhancement

lerna --help is a bit cleaner now

Usage: lerna <command> [options]

  bootstrap                Link local packages together and install remaining package dependencies
  clean                    Remove the node_modules directory from all packages.
  diff <pkg>               Diff all packages or a single package since the last release.
  exec <command> [args..]  Run an arbitrary command in each package.
  import <pathToRepo>      Import the package in <pathToRepo> into packages/<directory-name> with commit history.
  init                     Create a new Lerna repo or upgrade an existing repo to the current version of Lerna.
  ls                       List all public packages
  publish                  Publish packages in the current project.
  run <script> [args..]    Run an npm script in each package that contains that script.
  updated                  Check which packages have changed since the last publish.

Global Options:
  --loglevel                       What level of logs to report.  [string] [default: "info"]
  --concurrency                    How many threads to use if lerna parallelises the tasks.  [number] [default: 4]
  --scope                          Restricts the scope to package names matching the given glob.
                                   (Only for 'run', 'exec', 'clean', 'ls', and 'bootstrap' commands)  [string]
  --ignore                         Ignore packages with names matching the given glob.
                                   (Only for 'run', 'exec', 'clean', 'ls', and 'bootstrap' commands)  [string]
  --include-filtered-dependencies  Include all transitive dependencies when running a command, regardless of --scope or --ignore.
  --registry                       Use the specified registry for all npm client operations.  [string]
  --sort                           Sort packages topologically (all dependencies before dependents)  [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --help                       Show help  [boolean]
  -v, --version                    Show version number  [boolean]

When a command fails, all logs are written to lerna-debug.log in the current working directory.

For more information, find our manual at

Targeted command help: lerna bootstrap --help

lerna bootstrap

Global Options:
  --loglevel                       What level of logs to report.  [string] [default: "info"]
  --concurrency                    How many threads to use if lerna parallelises the tasks.  [number] [default: 4]
  --scope                          Restricts the scope to package names matching the given glob.
                                   (Only for 'run', 'exec', 'clean', 'ls', and 'bootstrap' commands)  [string]
  --ignore                         Ignore packages with names matching the given glob.
                                   (Only for 'run', 'exec', 'clean', 'ls', and 'bootstrap' commands)  [string]
  --include-filtered-dependencies  Include all transitive dependencies when running a command, regardless of --scope or --ignore.
  --registry                       Use the specified registry for all npm client operations.  [string]
  --sort                           Sort packages topologically (all dependencies before dependents)  [boolean] [default: true]
  -h, --help                       Show help  [boolean]
  -v, --version                    Show version number  [boolean]

  --hoist       Install external dependencies matching [glob] to the repo root  [string] [default: '**']
  --nohoist     Don't hoist external dependencies matching [glob] to the repo root  [string]
  --npm-client  Executable used to install dependencies (npm, yarn, pnpm, ...)  [string]

We've got plenty of room to grow our documentation, PRs welcome!

🐛 Bug Fix

📝 Documentation

  • #748 Reference website in README. (@bcoe)
  • #751 Update and docs to better explain hoisting. (@kylecordes)

If you've ever had a question about hoisting, read @kylecordes's brilliant docs here!

🏠 Internal

Committers: 5


07 Apr 21:32
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v2.0.0-rc.1 (2017-04-07)

A silent (but deadly) bug slipped into the last release. Many thanks to (@timdp) for discovering it.

🐛 Bug Fix


07 Apr 02:21
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v2.0.0-rc.0 (2017-04-06)

🎉 It's the first release candidate of v2.0.0! 🎉

Highlights: Jest, CI automation improvements, and tons of internal refactoring!

We've been in "beta" for quite some time, and it's time for our versioning to better communicate changes and guarantee API stability.

Our goal is to focus on a few important bugfixes before pushing the big red button and cutting a v2.0.0 for realsies. Check out the milestone to see if you can help!

💥 Breaking Change

Our apologies if you were using this, but did you know it's been broken since before the first 2.x beta?
We have better opportunities in the offing for helping folks reuse parts of our inner logic (a --json flag for lerna ls, perhaps?), and encourage those who have complex needs to join or start discussions in the issues.

🚀 Enhancement

  • #666 Create annotated git tags instead of lightweight tags. (@AlexLandau)

It turns out that annotated tags have super powers, compared to their lightweight cousins.
Thanks to this change, we'll soon be able to take better advantage of git describe's bag of tricks.

  • #665 Automate CHANGELOG updates and version bumps during publish with --conventional-commits flag. (@bcoe)

If you use conventional-changelog, you can now use the --conventional-commits flag during lerna publish to automatically suggest versions and update appropriate CHANGELOG files.

  • #607 Increment version by semver keyword with --cd-version flag. (@cif)
  • #641 Add prompts for prerelease versions. (@rtsao)
  • #647 Allow concurrency to be configured via lerna.json. (@gigabo)
  • #635 Switch to Jest. (@evocateur)
  • #714 Refactor unit tests into Jest idioms, adding integration tests. (@evocateur)

🐛 Bug Fix

💅 Polish

  • #655 Actually warn when a matching dependency version is not satisfied. (@evocateur)
  • #674 Appveyor status should reflect master, not latest. (@evocateur)

📝 Documentation

  • #736 Update with publish retry details. (@cdaringe)
  • #693 Add GitHub issue and pull request templates. (@evocateur)
  • #634 Add documentation about "watch" commands next to --no-sort. (@trotzig)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 17


28 Feb 22:56
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v2.0.0-beta.38 (2017-02-28)

📦 🐈 Initial Yarn support and more!

🚀 Enhancement

  • #605 Add support for pluggable npm clients. (@gigabo)

We'll make yarn the default once we feel that it's more stable.

$ lerna bootstrap --npm-client=yarn
  "npmClient": "yarn"

This will run yarn in each package can create temp yarn.lock files while developing so you'll want to .gitignore/.npmignore these files. Ex: .gitignore: packages/*/yarn.lock

Very important fix for Babel that we used in the last release. This prevents a timing issue when publishing where a module will try to download a package that isn't published yet because it is published before it's own dependency is published itself. We used to get many issues from users on non-public npm about "babel-types" not being found.

  • #608 Add a --stream option to the run command. (@gigabo)

Useful to get output for child processes immediately if using lerna run with a watch command

$ lerna run watch --stream

This will not create a temporary dist-tag called lerna-temp when publishing. Useful if your third party proxy doesn't support dist-tags.

$ lerna publish --skip-temp-tag

Defaults to running npm run test and npm run env

  • #598 Durable includeFilteredDependencies config via lerna.json. (@gigabo)
  "commands": {
    "bootstrap": {
      "includeFilteredDependencies": true
  "commands": {
    "run": {
      "sort": false
$ lerna publish --registry https://my-private-registry

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #601 Fix --ignore flag when globs are expanded to an array. (@rtsao)
  • #597 Support command config in either "commands" or "command". (@gigabo)
  • #586 Avoid exception after successful lerna diff. (@evocateur)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 11


08 Feb 20:11
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v2.0.0-beta.37 (2017-02-08)

--include-filtered-dependencies now works with ls,exec,run as well!

  • Fixes an issue with --hoist (from previous release)

🚀 Enhancement

  • #581 Improve support for --include-filtered-dependencies. (@roblg)
  • #576 Install with no arguments. (@gigabo)
  • #569 Short-circuit out of install with no packages. (@gigabo)

🐛 Bug Fix

  • #574 Use correct logger method in Package method.. (@evocateur)
  • #568 Check if directories exist before removing during hoist. (@gigabo)

🏠 Internal

Committers: 5