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๐Œท แธซw CH GH < GW/KW

๐Œท๐Œฐ๐Œน๐Œป๐ƒ heilig / healed / healthy wealthy whole well < *kรณhโ‚‚ilus kall ๐“ŽŸ

๐†๐Œฐ๐Œน๐Œท๐Œฟ faฮนแธซu Vieh < Fiecher
๐†๐Œฐ๐Œฟ๐Œท๐‰ fauแธซu[s] Fuchs fox

๐Œฒ๐Œฐ๐Œฝ๐‰๐Œท๐ƒ genuแธซs genug! enough (๐Œท๐ƒ=g whichever provides it)
๐ƒ๐„๐Œฐ๐Œน๐Œฝ๐Œฐ๐Œท๐ƒ staฮนnaแธซs steinig stony,rocky
๐ƒ๐Œป๐Œฐ๐Œท๐ƒ slaแธซs Schlag
๐ƒ๐Œป๐Œฐ๐Œท๐Œฐ๐Œป๐ƒ Schlรคger, Schlรคchter ( pugnacious,lout,bully )
๐ƒ๐Œป๐Œฐ๐Œฟ๐Œท๐„๐ƒ Schlachtung slaughter
๐ƒ๐…๐Œฐ๐Œน๐Œท๐‚๐Œฐ sweฮนแธซra Schwiegerโ€ฆ father-in-law
๐…๐Œฐ๐Œน๐Œท๐ƒ๐„๐Œฐ๐ƒ๐„๐Œฐ๐Œน๐Œฝ๐ƒ weฮนแธซstastaฮนns Weichenโ€ฆstein Wegesstein
๐…๐‚๐‰๐Œท๐ƒ vrลแธซs Frage! accusation
๐Œท๐Œฐ๐Œฝ๐Œณ๐Œฟ๐…๐Œฐ๐Œฟ๐‚๐Œท๐„๐ƒ แธซanduwaurแธซts handwrought handwerk(t) โ‡” Kenntnis
๐Œท๐Œป๐Œน๐†๐Œฐ๐Œฝ klauben > klauen

Dialectic reading:
๐Œฐ๐Œฝ๐Œณ๐Œท๐Œฟ๐Œป๐Œพ๐Œฐ๐Œฝ entแธซulษ•en/untcvrl enthรผllen++ uncover:๐Œท๐Œฟ๐Œป[old reading]

However there are about just as many words in which ๐Œท๐ƒ is now read as "chs"!
๐…๐Œฐ๐Œท๐ƒ๐„๐Œฟ๐ƒ waแธซstus Wachstum size,stature,increase,growth
๐Œฟ๐ƒ๐…๐Œฐ๐Œท๐ƒ๐„๐ƒ auswaแธซsts Auswachsen increase,growth
๐Œธ๐Œฐ๐Œท๐ƒ๐Œฟ๐ƒ ฦŒaแธซsus ฦŒaแธซsus Dachs(hund) texugo, dassie Dog
๐Œธ๐Œฐ๐Œน๐‚๐Œท๐ƒ๐Œฐ๐Œน๐ˆ๐Œฐ๐Œฝ ฦŒaฮนrแธซsaฮนwen durchsehen see through
๐Œฝ๐Œน๐Œฟ๐Œท๐ƒ๐Œด๐Œน๐Œฝ๐ƒ nฮนuแธซseฮนns nachsehen visitation,inspection
๐ƒ๐Œบ๐‰๐Œท๐ƒ๐Œป shลแธซsl Scheusal? demon,ghoul

๐Œฐ๐Œฟ๐Œท๐ƒ๐Œฐ รธแธซsa auแธซsa Ochse ox Oger?
๐ƒ๐Œฐ๐Œน๐Œท๐ƒ saฮนแธซs sechs six
๐†๐Œน๐Œป๐Œฟ๐†๐Œฐ๐Œน๐Œท๐ƒ fฮนlufaฮนแธซs vielfach vielfรคltig manifold, many faceted

Maybe these conflicting orthographic readings come from different times, or we are biased with the modern corrupted reading.

๐ƒ๐Œบ๐‰๐Œท๐ƒ schuแธซs Schuh shoe Frisian: Skoch Faroese: skรณgvur โฒ‘โฒฑโฒŸโฒฉโฒ“ โฒงโฒŸโฒŸโฒฉโฒ‰ ีฏีธีทีซีฏ koลกik

skรณgvur Confirms the initial observation that ๐Œท๐ƒ=g...

R component? via ๐Œฐ
๐†๐Œฐ๐Œท๐Œด๐Œณ๐ƒ Freude Farแธซeude/Froแธซeude

N component sic ๐Œทโ‹๐Œฟ or ๐Œฐ๐Œท ANG wegen ๐Œฐ=AIN
๐†๐Œฐ๐Œฟ๐‚๐Œฐ๐Œท๐Œฐ๐Œท vorแธซaแธซ Vorhang!
๐†๐Œฐ๐Œฟ๐‚๐Œท๐Œฐ๐Œท verแธซaแธซ Verhang โ‹ Vorhang

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