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Remaining work

Lars Bergstrom edited this page Apr 30, 2016 · 15 revisions

Work items are grouped by area. Items where we have some historical data from teams on other browser have estimates in some basic size buckets. Small is < 3 person months; Medium is < 6; Large is < 12; XLarge is < 24.


  • Remaining 2d canvas APIs - XLarge
  • Remaining 3d WebGL APIs - XLarge
  • animation - Large
  • GPU rendering - Large This is in progress as WebRender
  • SVG - XLarge


  • flexbox - XLarge
  • animations - Medium
  • finish tables - Small
  • form controls - Large
  • <frame>- Small
  • transitions - Medium
  • 3D transforms - XLarge
  • bidi - Large
  • writing-mode - Medium
  • grid - XLarge
  • shapes - Large
  • multicol - Small
  • fragmentation - Large
  • web components - Large
  • quirks mode - Small


  • HTTP/2 - Medium
  • Pipelining - Small
  • HTTP cache - Small
  • basic auth - Small
  • other auth (negotiation, etc) - Small
  • proxy support - Small
  • speculative connections - Small
  • certificate infrastructure - Small
  • cookie jars - Small
  • OCSP
  • certificate pinning


  • caching architecture
  • multiple constellations


  • replace stb-image - Small
  • video - XLarge
  • animated images - Small
  • audio - Large
  • webrtc - Large
  • mse - XLarge
  • eme - XLarge
  • webvtt - Small
  • Responsive images


  • CSSOM - Large Project is in progress here
  • ContentEditable - Large
  • SharedWorker - Small
  • ServiceWorker - Large
  • MessageChannel/MessagePort - Small
  • transferable objects - Small
  • IndexedDB - Large
  • Full CORS support - Small
  • CSP - Medium
  • Promises - Medium
  • Server-Sent Events - Small
  • Document load/unload tracking - Medium
  • session history - Small
  • cross-origin wrappers - Small
  • WebAudio - Medium
  • TouchEvent/PointerEvents - Large
  • image maps - Smalle
  • File API - Large
  • WebComponents - Large
  • speculative HTML parsing - Small
  • off-main-thread HTML parsing - Small
  • JS error reporting - Small
  • MutationObserver - Small
  • Finish WebSockets - Small
  • Finish EventSource
  • Remaining XHR features
  • accessibility - Large
  • spec-compliant navigation - Medium
  • XML parser - Small
  • WebCrypto - Small
  • Keyboard / focus navigation - Small
  • embedded document sandboxing - Small
  • modal dialogs - Small
  • WebVTT - Small
  • WebAnimation - Small
  • sub-resource integrity - Small
  • document.write - Small
  • about:blank
  • Fetch
  • Safe typed arrays
  • HTMLMediaElement
  • Image loading model In progress here
  • Transferable objects
  • iframe sandbox
  • iframe srcdoc
  • iframe seamless
  • window.postMessage
  • Cross-origin objects -
  • Cache
  • Selection
  • <script type=module> -
  • assorted smaller APIs - Medium


  • devtools - Large
  • automated crash reports - Small


  • dynamic benchmark suite - Small
  • WebReplay-based Alexa top-sites automated suite - Small
  • feature / performance progress tracking and reporting - Small
  • simulator testing of android - Small

Release / Servicing

  • publish and sign builds - Small
  • updating on-device - Small
  • security update infrastructure - Small


  • addons - Medium
  • prefs - Small
  • bookmarks - Small
  • history - Small
  • downloads (storing) - Small
  • profile persistence - Small
  • incognito mode - Small


  • printing
  • rust gc object hooks
  • installers

Unsupported / not planning to implement

  • MathML
  • will-change
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