A Rails Boilerplate API + Assets App use JWT + REST API lightweight https://ruby-rails-boilerplate-3s9t.onrender.com/
Nov 9, 2024 - HTML
GraphQL is a data query language developed by Facebook. It provides an alternative to REST and ad-hoc webservice architectures. It allows clients to define the structure of the data required, and exactly the same structure of the data is returned from the server. It is a strongly typed runtime which allows clients to dictate what data is needed.
A Rails Boilerplate API + Assets App use JWT + REST API lightweight https://ruby-rails-boilerplate-3s9t.onrender.com/
Demo Applications Developed using GraphQLize
Graphql api that connects to mongodb database thanks to MongoDb Atlas. The api is hosted using firebase cloud functions.
Planter son doigt dans la substantifique moëlle assister au triomphe du signal sur le bruit manifester un désintérêt profond pour les flacons transpercer des rêves à grands coups d'étoiles.
The repository houses boilerplate for a Full Stack application configured to run on Herkou's hosting services.
Swift documentation
I would be recreating git repository page using GraphQL Github API and JavaScript.
An online portfolio to show my work history and experiences.