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Review of Guideline #13

tchouch edited this page Aug 23, 2018 · 4 revisions

Review of Guideline #13


Item Outcome
Guideline complies with the Guideline-Template Yes
Name of guideline responsible with affiliation is clearly stated Yes

Is the audience of the guideline correctly specified?


Is the expertise required to write the guideline correctly specified?

Not specified

Are the keywords well selected?

I would add "voltage"

Are parts of the guideline too generic or too specific?

The recommended implementation method is quite generic, but almost trivial: "The user should measure the voltage onboard, using a multimeter or any other instrument capable of this task.".

Does the guideline explicitly refer to the handbook? To which part of the deliverable is it relevant (e.g., chapter of D1.2/D1.3)?

The guideline refers to the chapter 4 of D1.2 & D1.3, but it is not really specifical for TULIPP reference platform.

Does the guideline specify the work done in the project that can benefit from the guideline?

The guideline specifies the work done in the project on low-level HW development.

Other comments

  1. Guideline advice:

The advice "The user should choose the appropiate PSU when testing the corresponding application on the hardware" is too generic and should be improved. Maybe references to dependenties from system load could be included - in low-power systems developer tryes to select the smallest PSU. It can work with some test applications, but may make problems in other applications, by higher temperatures etc.

  1. Insights that led to the guideline:

The description "Some of the partners within the Tulipp project have faced the issue of finding "hardware not working", when trying their use-case on the Tulipp board." is very common and can have many causes. It should be described more specific. Maybe we could make a kind or "error search graph" to help a developer/user to find out why tha system (HW/SW) does not work. It could include guidelines 7, 13 and maybe some others (18?).

  1. Recommended implementation method of the guideline along with a solid motivation for the recommendation:

Implementation described - in case if application does not work, try to measure the voltage onboard. It is right, but not TULIPP specific. Maybe more common test methods could be proposed to test if the PSU is suitable for the application - for example "test how the system works in environment temperatures over 40"

  1. Instantiation of the recommended implementation method in the reference platform:

Instantiation as describing voltage pins for the EMC2 is probably to specific.

  1. Evaluation of the guideline in reference applications:

No content.

  1. References:

No references.

Track changes:

  1. 30/07/2018: Made some formatting changes in the guidelines to cope with template.
  2. 23/08/2018: guideline reviewed.
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