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Chris Oelmueller edited this page Feb 19, 2013 · 1 revision

Our Repositories

A good overview of all things going on is provided on [this page] (

[unknown-horizons] (../../unknown-horizons)

Our main repository.

It holds the master branch which usually is rather stable and a huge amount of topic branches which may or may not be ready for a pull request yet.

[gfx] (../../gfx)

Our graphics repository.

You can find all graphics that are still being designed and all source files of the actual game content in here.

[sounds] (../../sounds)

The sounds repository holds our raw&lossless sound and speech files.

[music] (../../music)

Music files including high quality raw files.

[misc] (../../misc)

supplementary stuff, scripts like nsis installer scripts, manuals etc.


Mentioning a ticket ("#xxx" somewhere in the commit message) will add a comment to that ticket's history which links to the commit.

Keywords to automatically close tickets from commit messages are:

fixes #xxx, fixed #xxx, fix #xxx, closes #xxx, close #xxx, closed #xxx

Everybody with push access to unknown-horizons/unknown-horizons can edit, close and re-assign tickets or attach labels.

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