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Scenario conditions

Chris Oelmueller edited this page Apr 6, 2013 · 1 revision

There are some conditions to win a scenario. Unknown Horizons distinguishes between primary and secondary conditions, but there are also triggered/conditional missions which appear only if the player does something ingame.

NOTE: By default, an event is only triggered once. It might be useful in certain corner cases to trigger multiple times.

[Table of scenario conditions] (

Types of buildings and units in a condition have to be specified via id. To find out the ids, use the script development/

Ideas for new conditions


  • Build X in range of building Y


  • Buy/Sell X units of resource R.


  • Conquer X percent of the map.


  • Sink X ships (of player P).
  • Destroy X (ships, ground units, buildings, …) (of player P, in time T).
  • Defeat X enemies.
  • Defeat the player P.
  • Send X units U to the coordinates x:y (or in radius R around them).


  • Reach the achievement A.
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